Erci Conquistador

Joined May 23, 2019

An abomination on a journey to redemption, seeking truth in transparency, in order to see the light.

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Erci Conquistador
Long story short, my nose is bloody raw from consuming 2g of cocaine solo.

Needless to say the hangover was horrible. I went to a lounge to blaze, and I fucking broke down, almost greening out from shock. I learned..
Erci Conquistador
Heya folks. I see the light! Blockchain has changed my life.

I wish to use this tool to document my life, every dirty detail, in order to understand myself, and get closer to family and friends.

This is life on memo
Erci Conquistador
Heya folks. I see the light! Blockchain has changed my life.

I wish to use this tool to document my life, every dirty detail, in order to understand myself, and get closer to family and friends.

This is life on memo
set profile 2086d
An abomination on a journey to redemption, seeking truth in transparency, in order to see the light.
set name to Erci Conquistador 2086d
Erci Conquistador
Shocked by how simple and small the bitcoin white paper is.

Any other suggested readings to improve my knowledge?
Erci Conquistador
replied 2100d
Ooooh! Fun way to explore memo
Erci Conquistador
replied 2100d
replied 2102d
Erci Conquistador
Today was playing pinball and having a few beers. Was asking BCH developer friend what scalability meant to crypto, bandwidth and latency, and why BCH was good at it.