
Joined Jun 15, 2018

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2209d · Direct/Private Messages
So to summarize, the protocol simply scans the blockchain for txns (opt. only from addrs you follow), if there's an OP_RETURN you can decode using your priv key, it's a msg to you!
2209d · Direct/Private Messages
Cool, 038f68504dabd8bf4b6faef83b888e3b681a5f47185a2548e1c13239617e220226 ... but um, I'm having a hard time getting bitcoin-encrypt to work from the example there. Anybody got it?
2210d · Direct/Private Messages
And please post here with a link to the whole protocol once you've described it!
2210d · Direct/Private Messages
I love it.. I think you're a bit beyond me with some of this stuff, but I wanted to point out paste.city for example does exactly the post/update txt files thing for free now.
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
That would be cool, but might be overkill.. the messages would be completely encrypted even if the URL was public. Still, it'd be cool if the URL was encrypted too.. more privacy!
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
@taowanzou I like the tip idea too where people can filter by their own spam tolerance. Are you suggesting a way to also encrypt the URL in the op_return? Is it small enough to fit?
2211d · Direct/Private Messages
Good point. I'm not soo cryptography-savvy, so I wasn't sure if just from somebody's public address (isn't it a HASH of the public key?) you could encrypt messages to them? Can you?
replied 2212d
Just get more cars I guess! LAMBOS.
replied 2212d
Ah, so short.. my FARTGAS wouldn't have "passed". Yeah, BTCASH is pretty good.. or BCH4ME, ME4BCH, BITCSH, FORKED, BIGBLK, LUVBCH, BCHLUV... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
followed topic Direct/Private Messages 2212d
2212d · memo
It might be cool if in the UI there was a way to sum up the total balance of all the people who liked a post (along with how many unique likes). Just more info, and makes it harder to astroturf!
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
Of course, the messages wouldn't be stored in the blockchain forever, but I think for private/direct messages that's actually fine/what you'd want. Anyway, any thoughts/problems? :)
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
Of course, the messages wouldn't be stored in the blockchain forever, but I think for private/direct messages that's actually fine/what you'd want. Anyway, any thoughts/problems? :)
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
The issue is PGP encrypted messages are WAY too big for OP_RETURN. So, again you would just put in a URL (essentially a pointer to text) in the OP_RETURN, using a pastebin site...
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
Then people private message you just like a public reply to a post is now in memo, except the message is encrypted with your PGP key so only you can read it (anonymously still)...
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
You would post a PGP public key somewhere (could use a pastebin site like paste.city), and then do an on-chain txn putting in the OP_RETURN "PGP https://chain.city/3"...
2212d · Direct/Private Messages
I think a way to do direct/private messages on the memo protocol would be pretty cool.. you could then essentially have craigslist functionality on here. I have an idea on how...
replied 2212d
Maybe go with BITCASH?
set name to zhoujianfu 2215d
I have an idea for an improvement on bitpay's payment protocol.. see https://github.com/bitpay/jsonPaymentProtocol/issues/13 basically, allow merchants to ask for customer name,shipping address,phone,email.