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saved 1290d
Where are the best places to earn interest on BSV, and why?

Let’s see if we can create a useful thread for everyone.
saved 1291d
Check out powping.com, streamanity.com, tonicpow.com & dimely.io

These all use BSV.

Whatever you do, try to provide value. Your English is great, so there are over a billion people who could benefit from what you know or what you can do.
saved 1291d
Excellent point. Hadn’t thought of that.
saved 1291d
Oh, I get it. I can imagine that kids, comic fans and gamers would lap that up.

You could do mobile AR photography for parties and conferences.

Plus all sorts of other things that artistic, creative people (e.g. not me) will certainly come up with.
saved 1291d
Please forgive my ignorance, but does living in Venezuela prevent you from making money online?

Given that you have access to Twetch, I’m hoping that you also have access to sites that enable you to do freelance work or e-commerce?
saved 1291d
I wish everyone who wants to do those things all the pleasure that they hope to get from it, but it doesn’t resonate with me.

Maybe I need a fun upgrade 😂
saved 1291d
I’m struggling to find the video, but that idea makes a bit more sense to me. Thanks.
saved 1291d
@16322, I see that you’re on Bitpic. Is there any chance that you can translate this into English for me?
saved 1291d
@10823, do you do commissions?
saved 1291d
Also, the Relayx app features a list of recommended apps.
saved 1291d
@2541 @39418 @2459 @15284
saved 1291d
Same here. What are your questions right now?
saved 1291d
I’m impressed by how easy and quick it is to transfer from MoneyButton to Twetch - especially when compared with the painfully slow and expensive transfers that BTC and ETH offer.

That’s the main reason why I decided to earn and use BSV.
saved 1291d
Due to the fact that the BSV apps I’ve been trying out are all using MoneyButton, I’ve ended up using that.

I’ve been wanting to research and compare the two wallets, but haven’t found the time yet.

I’m in the UK.
saved 1291d
/pay @25732 $10.00

I’m interested to know more about your situation. Where do you live? How much is the operation? Why is Twetch your only means of meeting the cost? How does BSV compare with $ and your local currency?
saved 1292d
Welcome to Twetch @40446 !

I thought you might be interested in this..?

saved 1292d
Can you help me to understand visual NFTs?

I bought Kayley Kling’s memoir because, among other reasons, I can read it.

Why are people motivated to buy visual NFTs, like Beeple’s 21,069 x 21,069 px jpg file? What can you do with them? Print and frame?
saved 1292d
Thanks 🙏 Good article.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t answered the one question that I’ve been trying to answer; what is an ‘item’ in the Twetch wallet and how do I get one to display?
saved 1292d
saved 1292d
I’m working hard to win some BTC in Swissborg’s competition . . . so that I can immediately exchange it for BSV 😁

Use my reference code 7OICMJA to signup at https://www.swissborg.com/community-app-referral

See if you can outrank me 🤓
saved 1294d
I'm very happy to be the owner of copy 100/100 of this amazing first.

I'm also happy to have discovered Calibre, so that I can read the ePub file, convert it to MOBI for Kindle and show it off to EVERYONE on my phone :)

saved 1294d
Just installed Handcash for iPhone:
