SLP usage this month is higher than the previous 3 months combined...and we still have more than a week left in October!
Tip me some tokens and I'll tip you back. ♡
SLP usage is definitely up.. seeing talks about it all over, tips flying around, and a lot more interest!
I love controlling my assets! Some people don’t, and that’s ok! A majority of the people who adopt will need the security of an insured entity taking care to keep their funds safe. Who cares!? Adoption=👍🏼
How difficult would it be for me to set up a smart contract to run a “winner takes all” lottery drawing? Obviously where.. anyone could buy a “ticket” for the lottery drawing to win it all..???
This is it, hold onto your seats and hope everyone made a wise decision in the type of coin your holding. This is a make it or break it for cryptocurrency
I know it feels like that, but it’s been “make it or break it for crypto” about 10 other times!
@memo I still think a weekly jackpot is a great idea.. whenever someone posts something that is awful.. they get untipped.. they lose sats that go into a weekly jackpot that anyone can win.. would promote good posts!!