Simon Van Gelder

Joined May 16, 2018

"For the world is hollow, and I have touched the sky."

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Simon Van Gelder
replied 1801d
I ended up installing Electon Cash SLP version. Accidentally burned them on a external TX.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1813d
In it for the freedom: dumping debt-bucks like plague-fallout.
1817d · poems
A Noiseless Patient Spider - Walt Whitman, 1868
I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated,
Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1817d
1821d · memo
One reason I wouldn't use a mute button is bc it's interesting to see what topics I agree with people on. eg even agree with LR about Ross Ulbricht. 🤷‍♀️
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1821d
tire-fires sometimes have the best disclosures.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1821d
True, but memo is the conjunction of two networks: blockchain and humanity. "Muting/Blocking" on *EITHER* side (via miners or popular opinion) endangers this intersection's capacity.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1821d
I don't have much of an issue with any individual memo client allowing this functionality, but once these blocks/ignores are on-chain they become indicators that can be abused.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1821d
IRC global ban (sever side ignore).
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1822d
"the 2" being?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1822d
It would only be implemented by services (since the post on-chain cannot be "muted"). True, users would be the ones "blocking/muting" others, but it's only small step to a g-line.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1822d
Only by hiding the non-nice parts Censorship in the service of entertainment is how we got where we are.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1823d
...apparently building a communication platform, not an entertainment portal. @memo Keep on!
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1825d
Nothing but greasing the exit.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1825d
Simon Van Gelder
The learning curve for me was that it's functions/helpers work with data-buffers (not strings or integers) that need to be instantiated correctly, ie "new Buffer('ABC123ABC123','hex')
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1825d
I was using (node.js and browserify for deploying for use user-side). Tried a few PHP libs (for server side) but nothing stood out.
Simon Van Gelder
Can we expect an incoming order for 40 mil BTC on behalf of Binance?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1840d
Scroll position is maintained (and need not be restored) if the thread opens in a modal.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1841d
When scrolling large pages, it is nice to be able to view a single thread and not loose your place on the parent page.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1841d
That's nasty...and brilliant. Any documentation to read?
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1841d
Lojban please...
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1841d
On the contrary, ajax is preferred on my side.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1842d
She does't make a very good Dr. Ian Malcolm.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1842d
Behold: mankind's original sin.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1844d
The answer is all around you.