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saved 1056d
A love-shaped indelibility

Lord, may only Your name remain

May Your passion be known by everyone on earth

When my life is done

May every child know the freedom of knowing Your name in truth

Burning everything,
Reach out, reach through

#Jesus #Gospel
saved 1061d
I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling;”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2:5-8‬ ‭ESV
saved 1061d
“For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth…‬‬
saved 1061d
“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time…
saved 1061d
….This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth….
saved 1061d
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way….
saved 1061d
I also speak as a citizen of America about Xi in his role as the leader in China, and the things I believe he is doing, which I do believe are sinful - some people who cry out for ‘separation of Church and State’ often refuse to recognize it w/in a person
saved 1061d
I hope you see now that my first post in this was not an expression of ethnic animosity, both rather to be able to work through thoughts, explicating why no person is my enemy, no Chinese person, not even Xi - all ppl are redeemable by the work of God
saved 1061d
I do not hate Chinese people, but love them, and have Chinese friends, this is why I seek to support the work God is doing in China, in the Chinese people, which the CCP is against (bc it first and foremost subverts their control over ppl)
saved 1061d
That true, godly wisdom only comes from the Bible, which both of these groups often reject.
saved 1061d
But in reality the ‘intelligentsia’ and academic Communist sympathizers are really prideful useful idiots of people who are actually smarter than them/who understand human nature better than them, that simply seek the power over many) Both lack true wisdom
saved 1061d
against Russia, bc in some ways it is bitter that the largest economic example of Communism is no more (this perhaps unconscious animosity of the ‘Global North’ Left is bc it idealizes/romanticizes Comm and to them that is 1st/foremost economic Communism)
saved 1061d
Speaking in generalities, this is why you see say, the American or European media, that are filled with left-leaning people never seem to be against the CCP like the Right usually is. I have a theory that that is the reason the leftist media is…
saved 1061d
People should see the CCP and mainland China today as an example of why Communism isn’t really about economics at all, but really control and power of a few over many. The worldwide Left sympathizes w/ idealistic Communism and Xi uses this to his advantage
saved 1061d
What it does have to do with is the Chinese Communist Party using/unleashing it on the world to spread its authoritarian grip, leveraging the size of the Mainland Chinese economy, all around the world, stuttering other economies to get ahead - on purpose
saved 1061d
Other names for China Virus: Cathay Cough, the Wuhan Warhead, the Maoist Malaise, the Beijing Bug, the New Cultural Revolution, Renminbi Respiratory Disease, Yuan Yawn, Xi’s Glee. This has nothing to do w/against Chinese or Han ppl #Coronavirus #COVID19
saved 1062d
We need to have law and order, elected officials who willfully try to subvert it are the lawless and destructively disorderly ones - though the evil media machine will make them seem like martyrs and like Rosa Parks - they’re more akin to posers and thugs
saved 1067d
We absolutely need mandated audits of every single election, and the criminalization (+ enforcement) of opposing/hindering them. This is essential for a civil retaking of law and order, without a base of transparent and fair elections, violence ensues
saved 1070d
Constitutionally mandate national voter photo ID for all elections in all states/territories including but not limited to, federal, state, county, municipal, school board, and criminalize the act of allowing someone to cast a vote without presenting the ID
saved 1075d
Word of God* ^
saved 1075d
(2) that Word that created us, and that Word that stood there and communicated these very things above to us.
saved 1075d
(1) The goal of life is not that all of our physical needs will be provided for us, but that we would know the power of the Word God to break everything from us that keeps us from the things He says,
saved 1075d
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.“ - Jesus (Matthew 6:33 KJV)
saved 1076d
Checkout this video A Ride Down The Angels Flight Funicular Transport In Downtown Los Angeles here https://streamanity.com/video/1xHbCoTlizSz @14352 #Video #Streaming #LA #California #Transportation
saved 1077d
And this isn’t even touching on the private sector like Silicon Valley… the tyranny of the Silent Socialist is encountered at many layers, but perhaps no more prevalent in the dissemination of information and ideas, this needs to end.