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saved 1027d
Abortion is as about health as slavery was about small business
saved 1027d
I still think the "Stop Asian Hate" fake crisis campaign by the DNC was the most retarded and pitiful thing that party has done in a while - even for a party of crisis actors.
saved 1034d
Some people are so feeble they think the world and every thing in it exists to make them feel empowered - it is actually a form of control veiled as some bastardization virtue - they just want to control you
saved 1038d
They seek control over a populace and its thoughts rather than to serve and inform. They are tyrants, an elitist universitied class that look down on many people.
saved 1038d
The Fake News is fake news because they approach journalism the wrong way, they are anti-American.
saved 1038d
This is contrary to everything we learned as children, that these people fought and vied for a good and cause, therefore they were inspirational and exemplary of what it was to truly be American.
saved 1038d
Once anti-abortion people start rightfully referring to themselves as abortion abolitionists then you will start to see the evil Media start to slowly and methodically try in the shadows to change people’s view of slavery abolitionists to be negative
saved 1038d
Anyone who understands the Gospel understands a scoffer, and knows their end, and that what motivates them is folly. The political left is full of vengeful scoffers - that do not yet understand the Gospel. Don’t let them intimidate or move you. #Politics
saved 1038d
(I don’t know Drake’s personal faith, even with his background, and don’t imply that that he’s necessarily anti-Christ, but I’m pretty sure Jay-Z is by his own lyrics.)
saved 1038d
Kanye, all the way. He is an artist, and so many people can relate to his struggles and faith in life. When the anti-Christian media find anyway to slight or erode the idea of a Christ-centered worldview - they will do it, like wolves.
saved 1039d
Your rights were not given to you by the Framers, only codified and protected #RightToLife #AbolishAbortion #CriminalizeAbortion
saved 1039d
Thus the 13th abrogated such things in the text of the Constitution related to slavery. But what is important to note is that our country was founded on the principle that our rights are inalienable, and given by God - not bestowed by a king or the 50%+1.
saved 1039d
Here hinges a fundamental defining point of our Republic - the 13th Amendment was not the right not to be property being bestowed on slaves by the majority at the time, but it was a realization that they had the right not to be enslaved in the first place
saved 1039d
Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey have to, and will go the way of the Dred Scott case. Just as SCOTUS failed to realize the inherent preeminence of the right not to be property over property rights, they failed to realize that of life over privacy
saved 1042d
Selective shaming and dishonesty are tools Communists use to slowly take control of society. Just be immovable, not able to be shamed, steadfast, never giving into political correctness or shaming or mudslinging one inch. This is an American value.
saved 1044d
An temporary alliance of Marxism and Islamism
saved 1045d
Love is creation, God is creation
saved 1045d
And in this, your peace and creativity and their heights have nothing to do with those of others - because the heights of your peace and creativity are Your Creator on His throne - and this is a form of worship - rendering your life only for His enjoyment
saved 1045d
Christlikeness is not restricting ourselves to fit a mold - it is actually the greatest obtaining of individual human creativity, this counterintuitiveness is because of the unique identity of who Christ is (the living Creator). He IS creativity and wealth
saved 1045d
This does not put limits or chains on you, but frees you to go toward that which is most fulfilling, and what is not quantifiable - Christlikeness. His ultimate example of humility frees all humanity to be happy wherever we are/frees us to love and create
saved 1045d
To me humility means being of a posture understanding that there will always be someone more intelligent, creative, and profound than you - or have more wealth than you. This is not a constant dwelling upon, or self-denigration, but a spirit of gentleness
saved 1048d
saved 1049d
The demolition of Cancel Culture is a struggle for human rights of a sort modern-day Stalinists cannot understand - because they are the very ones that are trying to enslave humanity to themselves by the control of communication, thought, and vocabulary.
saved 1054d
Like a serpent they don’t tell you their motives until they’re already wrapped around you. That said even Antifa isnt beyond redemption the apostle Paul said, it may be that God grants them to be freed from being Satan’s slave and from doing his bidding.
saved 1054d
Some people may think that it’s an exaggeration to say that there are Communists and Communist sympathizers in America, but it surely is not - it is prescient. look at those coming out of university that casually say ‘f*ck capitalism*.