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saved 1167d
BuyTheDip is trending on twitter (UK).

Buckle up, just in case
saved 1169d
Honestly, I think Twetch shouldn't charge people to vote. I understand the concept, but, unless there is something in it for the voter, they don't need to vote. Maybe a 2 tier poll option? Freebie and paid (certain instances would benefit more from that)
saved 1169d
Which will be higher one week from now?

(Ends: Friday 23rd 7:50pm EST)
/poll [Dogecoin (DOGE),Tron (TRX)]
saved 1174d
saved 1174d
I will. Have been exploring how to get some. Looks like using my original a/cs I can buy btc at coinbase, send it to polo, get bsv, send to twetch

waiting/hoping to see btc <40k again. When starting from scratch again every satoshi counts! lol
saved 1174d
Thanks, I thought it might be. Wanted to be sure before getting some bchsv on polo to send here
saved 1174d
Thank you. Could you tell me if bchsv is the same thing as bsv? I've been out of crypto since losing it all (mixture of methods) and only one of my old trading accounts shows bsv as a trade pair available. But, on Poloniex its shows as bchsv

Same thing?
saved 1174d
Oh wow, thank you every body.

I've been out of crypto a few years after losing the shirt from my back on it and running off grumpy lol Can someone tell me if bchsv is the same thing as bsv? One of my old trading accounts (Poloniex) has bchsv but not bsv
saved 1174d
Me likey likey

I've another 3 that I'm still working on to add to the rack. I hobby luthier & stuff
saved 1175d
Hi y'all, how do we get bsv to interact/follow etc others when activity is kinda low?

I'm using my bsv from the limited engagement I've received to engage w/ others but the pot runs out ha

Give me some likes/engagement you buggers! follow back when poss
saved 1176d
Can anybody recommend a short video giving a tour of Twetch? I'm not seeing public conversations kinda like you do on a twitter timeline, or am I misunderstanding twetch and it's more like a messenger type platform?
saved 1177d
What d'yall mostly use Twetch for? Crypto, Current affairs, other stuff (like what)? I love the concept of it but miss the UX of twatter where you can see what's trending etc. I don't seem to be to see that here? Will flw ppl when enough credits etc
saved 1177d
Yay! Pretty sure I'm the first person on Twetch to use the word poo. This will live on for eternity, poo is mine!
saved 1178d