
Joined Sep 01, 2018

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replied 1989d
What if a payee accepted the 1st-seen tx as valid, relying on the fact that most nodes have also seen it first, and assuming miners enforce the 1st-seen rule?
replied 1989d
The unintentional mining of a 2nd-seen double-spend tx with higher fees not because you support RBF, but because you have a hard lower limit on fees which the 1st-seen tx didn't cross.
replied 1989d
I'm not sure about that... Doesn't 0-conf safety require that miners abide by the 1st-seen rule? What FreeTrade describes here can be called "accidental RBF":
replied 1990d
In any case, I agree it will be more profitable to mine when the mempool is bigger, but the *degree* to which miners will smooth over block-time variability depends on their costs.
replied 2110d
At this rate, Johoe may soon have to change the color palette again... We wouldn't want that chart to be all black...
replied 2111d
True, I was thinking more along the lines of local.bitcoin.com, which doesn't act as a centralized intermediary for fiat, just a centralized "meeting place" for p2p exchanges.
replied 2117d
Fortunately we now have CashShuffle so there's no need to use mixing services that can track us.
replied 2118d
User called LightRider. Local communist that screams "fucking capitalists" a lot & fails to realize that socialism is incompatible with a free society & uncensorable media like BCH.
replied 2119d
For a split second I was irritated, but then I remembered how happy I am that nobody can prevent this sort of thing. Censorship resistance is great, despite the occasional annoyance.
replied 2123d
Yes. BTC will never be upgraded in any way.
replied 2123d
SegWit is not fine. It's a deviation from Bitcoin. It creates mountains of technical debt. But most importantly - it's unnecessary. Why would BCH need it??
replied 2138d
Long term I think the bit is a clear winner in terms of usability. Simple, easy to understand, and divisible to 100 sats, just as all present-day currencies are divisible to 100 cents.
2140d · memo
If you're looking for more to do on Memo, check out Topics! They are essentially chat rooms and have lots of great discussion.
replied 2151d
Excuses, excuses... Just admit it: you were trying to use Bitcoin Cash for money laundering!
replied 2180d
Tried that, but I can't see an option to sign up with Badger, only standard username+password. What am I missing?
replied 2191d
Joining in on the #dailymemo business. Excited by the potential of censorship-proof social media.
2190d · Venezuela
4 days national blackout, It was a total chamos, Maduro is saying It was an electromagnétic attack from the US, they always blame the opposition for their mistakes
Decided it's time to contribute to this platform more, I now have a standard tip amount set! :)
I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy. --Warren Buffett
followed 2190d
David Shares
Going to give Memo a try again after seeing the #dailymemo post on /r/btc. In today's world censorship and deplatforming has become a huge issue. Memo is a great way to fight that.