
Joined Jul 16, 2018

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

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2425d · Capitalism
previously, tech innovation has lead to increased production and therefore wealth for all, expanding industries with more jobs in the long run. however, the AI beast deserves much more attention
2425d · Capitalism
capitalism is very good at distributing resources, and as we move to cheaper and cleaner energy, I think we will see that it isnt the bane of the world. Intervention seems to slow that progress.
2425d · Capitalism
this topic would be a lot less fun without LR, but I'd love a socialist capable of better debate/discussion here.
2425d · Capitalism
yes, but that was mostly in response to @yoonski with the other side comment
2425d · Capitalism
the difference is LR mostly uses that rhetoric without anything else. his posts are mostly insubstantial. most of the contribution comes in responses to him
2425d · Capitalism
he is a decent conversation starter I'll give him that
2425d · Capitalism
you've seen the guy's posts right? it's mostly "capitalists hate poor people and are destroying the world dont talk me out of it you are lying capitalists:
2425d · Capitalism
I'm not here for moderation either.
2425d · Capitalism
my response was more of a joke.
2425d · Capitalism
I find the guy amusing, but I wouldn't credit him with being a fantastic contributor. He doesn't make real arguments most of the time and strawman.
2425d · Capitalism
@LR yeah, lots of people want free stuff but dont realize how much it hurts us economically. And you'll find a lot of us don't love the current banking system either.
2425d · Capitalism
can we just make a "LightRider's Twitter Feed" topic and keep that stuff there?
replied 2425d
If we do he might accidentally spend it on racist pamphlets again
2425d · Roblox
This topic doesn't get enough attention
2425d · Capitalism
Absolutely. Innovation, after all, is best brought by the markets.
2425d · Capitalism
2425d · Capitalism
Please also spare us your Twitter feed
2425d · Capitalism
Spare me the scifi imagery @LightRider. I'm not buying it. They'll promise spaceships & modern architecture. But what we'll get is Venezuela.
replied 2426d
Colored coins are nice and all but they aren't very complex solutions.
2426d · Capitalism
If I remember right, it is ranked number 4 in economic freedom.
2426d · Capitalism
Fun fact, Switzerland doesn't have a legally set minimum wage. Collective bargaining is pretty present though, 1 out of 4 employees being a member of a union or confederation.
2426d · Capitalism
Democratic Socialism is just another stop along the way, in my opinion. Implementations like in Scandinavia are unsustainable economically. The left seems to be going in that direction though.
2426d · Capitalism
It is amusing to see socialists argue that an entire market can just be appropriated by a group of thugs and it will remain just as functional as before.
2426d · Capitalism
I can make a "Socialism" topic if you need rather than spamming your Twitter feed here.