
Joined Jul 16, 2018

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

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2427d · Capitalism
I kind of wonder why LR is on a bitcoin cash powered social media site at all
2427d · Capitalism
top 25% pay 85% of income taxes
2427d · Capitalism
Yes, that is why I like capitalism, because I only want rich kids educated, yes yes you win you can go now
2427d · Capitalism
you only gotta worry about dying in the work place if you're a male
2427d · Capitalism
well yeah, a healthy economy generally means everyone is better off opposed to a bad economy
2427d · Capitalism
for you LR
2427d · Capitalism
2427d · Capitalism
if you give me an email I'll send a copy of "Economics in One Lesson" if you want to start your path of economic literacy @LightRider
2427d · Capitalism
Wasn't it a fabian socialist that said those who didn't work in a socialistic society would be "kindly executed?"
2427d · Capitalism
you forgot your golden monocle and worker-beating cane
2427d · Capitalism
You dehumanize with unbased accusations of "racist" so you dont actually have to argue with us
2427d · Capitalism
LR, I'm happy to discuss when you actually make an argument or contribute something to the conversation. so far, you've been arguing with the evil little capitalist character in your head.
2427d · Capitalism
Got their first job at Wendy's and now understands the plight of the working man, quit because of all the exploitation.
2427d · Capitalism
did you guys just feel a gust of wind?
2427d · Capitalism
too late I did it already
2427d · Strawman
LightRider's playground.
2427d · Capitalism
We should just make a new "Strawman" topic for LR though.
2427d · Capitalism
I'm gonna start ignoring until a real argument is made.
2428d · Capitalism
Yes. I dont think you're listening to us though.
2428d · Capitalism
@Bryce, bingo. Get the government out of the business of governing things that it shouldn't be involved in and there are no more govt. favors to buy. =)
2428d · Capitalism
make government small only to the scope of justice or abolish it altogether. And no, I'm not stupid. next question
2428d · Capitalism
"I'm not obsessed with Jews, you are." I think this guy is just a troll now.
2428d · Capitalism
I think he means he wants to try capitalism but without the crony part.
2428d · Capitalism
so much strawman
2428d · Capitalism
but a lot obviously dont support gun rights for the reasons I do of course. I come at it from a property rights and right to life view