
Joined Jul 16, 2018

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

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replied 2428d
you know what, "individual" might not be the right term
2428d · Capitalism
@Alec unions would be more pressured to negotiate based on individual skill and experience, rather than a minimum wage based soley on the position itself.
2428d · Coinex
What's the deal with Coinex mining? How does it work and why would you do it?
2428d · Capitalism
I don't have much of a problem with unions as long as membership is purely voluntary.
2428d · Capitalism
Yep, along with the ending of things like the Drug war and other reasons that create more immigration.
2428d · Capitalism
I'm all for the natural free flow of humans and labor, but I don't like the current government program immigration has become.
replied 2428d
I understand that. Just want to explain that calling me a "fucking retard" doesn't make me wrong. He says he can't have honest discourse but continued to argue all the same.
replied 2428d
Again, not an argument. I could say the same about you but it wouldn't mean shit or discredit your arguments by itself.
2428d · Capitalism
@LightRider if you want civil discussion, try being civil. Put down the antifa flag and let's have some productive discussion here.
replied 2428d
Not an argument.
2428d · Capitalism
I smell a strawman
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
This discussion probably should be in the capitalism topic though
replied 2428d
Except they don't. Even the Nordic Model isn't sustainable forever, mounting debt and ever increasing taxes. It works best with a free market and liberty.
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
I think the beautiful thing about bitcoin is that it has been rapidly increasing in adoption, despite its anti-state ideological foundation.
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
All of those utopias people refer to are fueled by capitalism behind the curtain. Especially the Scandanavian "Social Democracies" that use the Nordic Model.
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
Like moths to the flame, we tread closer and closer towards authoritarianism under the guise of socialism and "progress."
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
I could never live in a society like China's, and i know that's exactly where the United States is trying to go and follow in their footsteps.
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
It is way worse than Black Mirror, every thing you do at all times is recorded, there is no voluntary sharing.
replied 2428d
Heard it can (probably obviously) greatly affect your ability to leave the country too.
2428d · Bitcoin Cash
Crypto gives me much needed hope for the future, but I do worry about its possible ideological perversion. However, I don't think we can shove it back into Pandora's box, which gives me solace
replied 2428d
So many people (well, investors), do not share the ideals bitcoin was founded on, and that could prove troubling. Just look where EOS is lol
replied 2428d
I'm so very tired of people in, for example, the Nano community making posts like "glad we aren't private, we will get rich cuz gov," I think the fight for fungibility is well worth it
replied 2428d
However, I will concede that privacy has its own technical troubles, so coins like nano cannot yet be private on mainchain. Bulletproofs look promising. Tech develops and improves.
replied 2428d
Exactly. Specialization is only good when it is necessary. Crypto communities like to jerk each other off about how special they are, but a lot of these specializations are arbitrary