All of those utopias people refer to are fueled by capitalism behind the curtain. Especially the Scandanavian "Social Democracies" that use the Nordic Model.
Crypto gives me much needed hope for the future, but I do worry about its possible ideological perversion. However, I don't think we can shove it back into Pandora's box, which gives me solace
When I say "help," I mean it in the way that it stays out of their way and allows them to specialize where they perform best. It, overall, increases standard of living and creates wealth.
Socialism/communism, no matter how "compassionate" its sympathizers, fails to efficiently distribute resources and is both unethical and immoral. Capitalism helps people, socialism hurts them.
Man, Economy, and State, had to abbreviate it lol. I think he talks about how they are necessary for defense. I havent read it yet, but a friend of mine recommends it a lot.
I heard the book "A Spontaneous Order: The Capitalist Case for a Stateless Society" for how a free society might work. talks about nukes I think. I'll probably get to it after ME&S