
Joined Jul 16, 2018

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

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2358d · Capitalism
I find the guy amusing, but I wouldn't credit him with being a fantastic contributor. He doesn't make real arguments most of the time and strawman.
2358d · Capitalism
@LR yeah, lots of people want free stuff but dont realize how much it hurts us economically. And you'll find a lot of us don't love the current banking system either.
2358d · Capitalism
can we just make a "LightRider's Twitter Feed" topic and keep that stuff there?
replied 2358d
If we do he might accidentally spend it on racist pamphlets again
2358d · Roblox
This topic doesn't get enough attention
2358d · Capitalism
Absolutely. Innovation, after all, is best brought by the markets.
2358d · Capitalism
2358d · Capitalism
Please also spare us your Twitter feed
replied 2358d
Colored coins are nice and all but they aren't very complex solutions.
2358d · Capitalism
If I remember right, it is ranked number 4 in economic freedom.
2358d · Capitalism
Fun fact, Switzerland doesn't have a legally set minimum wage. Collective bargaining is pretty present though, 1 out of 4 employees being a member of a union or confederation.
2358d · Capitalism
Democratic Socialism is just another stop along the way, in my opinion. Implementations like in Scandinavia are unsustainable economically. The left seems to be going in that direction though.
2358d · Capitalism
I can make a "Socialism" topic if you need rather than spamming your Twitter feed here.
2358d · Capitalism
And for the healthcare thing, no. You can enslave the doctors but declaring something a right doesn't increase supply, although you artificially boost demand. Learn some economics.
2358d · Capitalism
A lot of that net worth is in financial assets like stocks. Other people own stock. If the founder sells his stock, the price usually goes down. Lots of employees even hold some stock.
2359d · Capitalism
I own myself. Therefore, I own my labor. So I must own my property earned through labor. I must be able to sell my property. Forcing Tx's is theft. And so on, from the seed of self-ownership
2359d · Capitalism
Better stop with the unsubstantial rhetoric and get to it then @LightRider
2359d · Capitalism
I understand the argument behind it. I dont necessarily agree with it though.
2359d · Capitalism
2359d · Coinex
I can't rely on myself to not fuck up with the Binance mobile app. I actually prefer to Coinex one almost over the desktop site.
2359d · Coinex
If Coinex had IOTA pairs I'd forget pretty much completely about Binance lol. Lower volume but man is this a nice exchange experience.
2359d · Capitalism
There's no party like an indoctrination party because an indoctrination party is mandatory.
replied 2359d
I'll have you know that I can recite the national anthem 10 times in a row WHILE patting my head. If that isn't a marketable skill then I don't know what is.
replied 2359d
I can come to terms with optional privacy with coins like nano that couldn't support it and remain feeless due to data restrictions, but I have a harder time accepting it with BCH
replied 2359d
Meetups are cool too