
Joined Jul 16, 2018

If there is hope, it lies in the proles.

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2363d · Capitalism
I'm gonna start ignoring until a real argument is made.
2363d · Capitalism
Yes. I dont think you're listening to us though.
2363d · Capitalism
make government small only to the scope of justice or abolish it altogether. And no, I'm not stupid. next question
2363d · Capitalism
"I'm not obsessed with Jews, you are." I think this guy is just a troll now.
2363d · Capitalism
I think he means he wants to try capitalism but without the crony part.
2363d · Capitalism
so much strawman
2364d · Capitalism
but a lot obviously dont support gun rights for the reasons I do of course. I come at it from a property rights and right to life view
2364d · Capitalism
I agree with a lot of communists on that, at least the ones with the pre-revolution mindset. I dont know how a lot of them feel post-revolution.
2364d · Capitalism
one thing I can generally agree with communists on
2364d · Capitalism
I'm sure as hell not lol
2364d · Capitalism
if I'm a paper company, I dont want to run out of trees available on my property for production. if I'm a producer or consumer, I want the cheapest and most efficient source of energy.
2364d · Capitalism
when one institution declares itself the total authority and authorizer of force, you tend to get oppression. I should have said "monopoly on violence" in hindsight
2364d · Capitalism
contrary to the Lorax, capitalism does not incentivize the destruction of the world
2364d · Capitalism
I hope you know a lot of us arent happy about the state's monopoly on force either.
2364d · Capitalism
you dont have the right to anyone else's labor.
Browsing by new is cancer now
2364d · Coinex
so easy to use, even on mobile, but the trading volume isnt as high as ideal, especially for pairs like nano/bch. Awesome UX though
2364d · Coinex
I gotta stop using this on mobile. wish there was a "confirm send" like with following
2364d · Coinex
made a type and accidentally hit enter. do you need 100 dollars to get the benefits?
2364d · Coinex
do you need to buy 10p dollars worth
2364d · Coinex
I might put some of my mining rewards in CET, not really a significant amount anyway. Not sure if it would be worth it though.
2364d · Coinex
so all the fees are essentially given back to you in the form of CET, or is it just some? What's the point of paying fees in CET?
replied 2364d
Since BCH uses a public ledger, the gov could track if I illegally bought cocaine and the BCH I used could be considered "dirty" by other people. Short explanation.
2364d · Capitalism
You'd think they'd be the most avid opposition to that idea.
2364d · Capitalism
There are unions that argue for open boarders?