
Joined May 11, 2018


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2400d · Out of Funds HELP
Don't hesitate to write here if you are out of funds. Today we have 15 newbies, don't be shy 😘
2399d · Marx
You should be ashamed of yourself shilling 'Dear Leader' King Tito in public. -- "will of the people"... ha! Obviously the jokes on you.
2399d · Marx
Bullshit, Socialism is no more concerned with the 'will of the people' than a Monarchy. Probably a worse situation actually, as socialist 'thinkers' tend to be low caliber academic elitists.
The crypto market is getting hammered right now, look at how ETH and XRP is down way more (at the moment).
2400d · Out of Funds HELP
I'll add a tip... Hell, I might need you someday! lol
2400d · Out of Funds HELP
Don't hesitate to write here if you are out of funds. Today we have 15 newbies, don't be shy 😘
2400d · global warming
Elon's a nutcase. - Free yourself from the cult of personality. I suppose you actually believe that the cartoon of the Tesla in space was real. -Damn, its amazing how gullible the public is.
The idea that a business & a corporation are interchangeable is false. The latter is a state protected cartel claiming limited liability for its actions. And anti-free market by its very nature.
All fascists are socialists & all socialists are fascists. The idea that they are at war is part of their religious propaganda. - Their real enemy is individual liberty & free markets. Along with art and beauty.
Sk8eM dUb
Great Reddit comment: "The closer these people - devs - get to the code, the further they want to stray from Bitcoin Cash's aims. It's like some enchanted runic script which maddens all those who read it."
Amaury, it is one thing to be kicked out of a priv..
replied 2400d
I was sympathetic to Amaury until he made the 'BCash' post. - no longer.
2400d · Marx
As for freedom of speech, there is only one law on Earth which protects it & provides hope of it for the rest of the world. The 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the USA. A law socialists despise.
replied 2400d
The ability to not agree with someone and still support their rights to say it seems to have become more rare over the recent years, hopefully it will make a comeback.
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
All socialist societies in history ( if they last long enough) eventually turn into hereditary fiefdoms.
What is the most lofty & high-minded dream of the socialist? To be the dictator, of course. lol
2400d · Marx
The biggest difference between socialism and fascism is the titles the dictators and their sycophants bestow upon themselves.
2400d · Do you obey to authority?
Once taxes are high enough, who has the choice of not being a net recipient?
2400d · Marx
Socialism is a murder cult that preys upon the misery and legitimate desires of the poor to expropriate lavish lifestyles for its party leadership (priests) & the authority to murder its detractors.
set profile 2400d
set name to Sfx 2400d
2400d · Marx
To the socialist, the only good artist is a dead artist. Artists are replaced by 2nd-rate progandists willing to glorify socialist religious dogma creating a distopia led by the most corrupt & greedy.
2400d · Marx
No socialist government anywhere has ever or will ever tolerate free speech. They are religious nuts who imagine themselves as academics.
2400d · Marx
Hardcore authoritarianism is what held Yugoslavia together. Socialist countries are corrupt dictatorships populated by slaves. Its more a fanatical religious sect than an advanced form of government.