If Flat Earth was not True, Nobody would be interested in debunking it. But the people who are interested in proving it wrong are intense. This should tell you something.
If you think Facebook started out as a college project, and not by the government as a means of mass surveillance and control of the population, then you might want to do a bit more research.
https://t.co/ruwc7INqe6 Another great article by Stacey. If you want to learn why satellites are hoax and that land-based towers deliver all our air signals, then you should read this article.
Hollywood is just another branch of the propaganda machine. They like the globe a lot because they love to LIE. A lot of movies start with a globe spinning. Just a little subconscious programming for your mind.
Nasa is a branch of the united states military. nasa, just like all governments should not be trusted to tell the truth. In fact, the government can & does lies to the world. It's not a matter of maybe, they lie.
Although teachers partake in the indoctrination that goes on in all schools, it's not teachers fault that they teach lies and fantasy to their students - they were brainwashed with indoctrination too.
Fun fact: Once a person figures out reality that we live on a flat & stationary earth, they never go back to being gullible and non-thinking ever again. Once you go flat, you never go back...
If the Sun is 93 Million Miles away (as per NASA) and it’s supposed to be lighting up half the Earth why do I have a local sun spot right above these clouds. Think people!
Plenty of folks with high tech laser equipment have verified that the oceans are completely flat. Lighthouse workers never doubted it, they'd have been out of work from beginning if water curved at all.
Gravity has been trying to become relevant for 336 years. I've discarded gravity as a joke 2 years ago and electromagnetism, density, and bouyancy have been doing just fine on their own.
72% of our flat and stationary eath is comprised of water which is always flat. The land masses, other than hills and valleys are also flat. The factual reality is that our earth is flat and stationary.
The daily budget of nasa is $52,000,000. Nasa can't even provide you with a model that is not fabricated and made-up. But their cgi and photoshop looks real to gullible people who can't think.
how clean water is finite?? water always find the way to clean itself.. I never understand why people say "water going to end". Water is so abundant... and earth clean it up all.