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saved 1261d
saved 1261d
saved 1261d
Careful. Jesus did not "become" anything more or less. He is the Son of God (immutable). As first born of the dead, he is Lord of the living and the dead. Together, the Father and the Son send the Spirit (the promised Advocate) on Pentecost.
saved 1261d
And on asymptomatic spread: "Among asymptomatic individuals, there was no droplets or aerosols coronavirus detected from any participant with or without the mask, suggesting that asymptomatic individuals do not transmit or infect other people"
saved 1261d
saved 1261d
Exercise in critical thinking...Exosome Theory vs Virus Theory
saved 1262d
saved 1262d
You sure you haven't already had that talk with Jesus? 😉
saved 1262d
Have you read Prairie Fires?
saved 1262d
Unless someone is open to other perspectives, I tend to do the same. Funny thing is, people like Andreas Antonopoulos, as much as they promote the lie, say the only way people learn is to lose. There is truth in that statement.
saved 1262d

The original coffin dance! haha (check out 2:50)
saved 1262d
Same. But, do you really think failing? Compared to what? BTC? ETH? Who really cares about those projects? Only the people using them. What about the rest of the world? They have yet to discover what Genuine Bitcoin can do. When they do...the people win.
saved 1262d
haha, you do realize I am a priest! I would not condone being anyone's mistress. You are made in the image of God.
Difficulty in having substantive conversation is a problem affecting us all, tho. It's good to see others who actually like to think.
saved 1262d
Further, our administration of justice in the human community is a participation in God's justice. The problem today is that justice has been conflated with equality and God removed from the equation. We need to hold judges to account. See Lk. 18:1-8.
saved 1262d
It is impossible to have any organization without some form of governance and a body to administer justice. This is Biblical. See Ex. 18:13-27. In Acts, while the people held everything in common, their gifts were distributed by the apostles (Acts 4:32-37)
saved 1262d
And yes, every age has its physical, psychological, and spiritual lens. We are entering into yet another age. That is why these debates are so lively. And it is good for us at this stage in history to have these talks. Unity in Jesus' Name is the goal.
saved 1262d
Most of this thread has been over an issue of differences in theology. haha That's where the rubber meets the road. It was the issue during the early councils, too. The Protestant Reformation has ushered in a new era of this kind of debate.
saved 1262d
The trouble with so-called protestant "reformers" is that they took the world down a rabbit hole of dogmatic errors through personal interpretation of the Scriptures. These errors continue in preachers of prosperity, and salvation by faith alone, etc.
saved 1262d
I would argue that the word "reformer" is misplaced in the context of those who broke away from the Catholic church. Kurt described Luther as a Catholic protester, which is appropriate, since he was protesting institutional practices, e.g. indulgences.
saved 1262d
From a Biblical standpoint, the Church (ekklesia) is the community that Jesus will gather, with Peter as the "rock" foundation (see Mt. 16:18). Peter will later go on to preach there is no other name by which we are saved than Jesus' name (Acts 4:12).
saved 1262d
Not to nitpick, but earlier you said most of what people consider "church" is an abomination. When you say Cath's statements are doctrinally sound, who put forth the doctrines by which you make your assessment?
saved 1262d
XRP is literally on the video thumbnail. He doesn't have to say it. He's printed it for all to see. He also has another explanatory video about QFS. Gold-backed digital currency? It's a joke. Only one commodity can replace global financial system - BSV.
saved 1262d
Also, I would posit baptisms and healing are of the Kingdom, not this world. Baptism, in particular, transcends the natural order and constitutes an ontological change. God uses the things of this world to communicate his grace and love to us.
saved 1262d
Reminds me of Augustine vs. Pelagius. There is nothing we can do to merit our own salvation. Jesus did say to seek first the kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33). The things of this world may be used insofar as they direct us toward God.
saved 1262d
LTC is the silver to BSV's gold! (TM) 😂😂😂