
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) lover. Mathematics, physics, nomadic lifestyle junkie

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It seems like every day these days there is some new invention or idea rolled out for Bitcoin SV. Great to see the developers flooding to the space. Who would have thought that stability and scalability would be so attractive to the developing world?
replied 2212d
fortunately for the rest of us there is Bitcoin SV.
replied 2213d
I don't disagree we may need to go off-chain eventually. But I think it's good to explore how far we can go on-chain before engineering other solutions.
What are some of the cool BSV ecosystem developments slated to come out in this next month?
So good to see all the infrastructure development happening on Bitcoin SV.
replied 2252d
My first long post.
“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.”
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Pretty amazing how long memos can now be on SV Memo CAsh
2252d · Bitcoin SV
Setting now in Memo SV to enable large Memos up to 9k. Woo hoo yeah!!!
Looking forward to using ElectrumSV with my Trezor.
Anyone want all my BCH for the equivalent of BSV?
2268d · memo
Yesterday 312140-311803=337 memo transactions. Number of transactions📉6.1%|abc(312118-311792=326,📉9.2%),sv(701182-700872=310,📈7.3%)
Wow. One reason why BSV can scale.

Lexar’s 1TB SD card is the first you can actually buy https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/1/9/18176089/lexar-first-1tb-sd-card-price-date-ces-2019
2268d · memo
https://sv.memo.cash now has SV block explorer links!
replied 2267d
oh very interesting.
replied 2268d
I think from MemoButton. It uses a new address for each post.
replied 2267d
Thank you! Do you guys have a good way to switch minute amounts of BCH into BSV or vice versa? I want to only use the BSV chain now.
Is there an easy way to convert my 20 cents in BCH to BSV?
Finally unsplit my coins on this memo machine. Now I can use sv.Memo.cash again.
set profile pic 2289d
It is intellectually disingenuous to suggest Craig Wright is not Satoshi.
replied 2291d
Despite all the posturing BCH and BSV are still in the middle of the hash war--no replay protection yet-- and that is why I even mention the POW metric.
replied 2292d
You can eat this at hakodate(函館), japan.