
Joined Aug 26, 2018

Dash Digital Cash

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replied 2342d
I don't get the question...
replied 2342d
You said that not me. I said anti-spam is good. There is no censorship there.
replied 2342d
Nope. I'm here because I'm excited by the prospect of a free, open community without undue censorship. I mostly care about Dash, but this place is kinda dead right now so give me a brk
replied 2342d
To adopt your idea or why it should be done. It has to work better than what we've got. Right now you've only got a theoretical complaint, Dash is making real world moves. Little time.
replied 2342d
And you haven't proven 1. the efficacy of the current dash model 2. the superiority of whatever model you suggest replace it. Until you can do this you are not providing any incentive
replied 2342d
But that is not a good assumption to make because it presupposes that the price was always high enough to exclude 50% of holders. 1k Dash used to be really cheap for years. Bad assumpt
replied 2342d
That it can't be hacked/money stolen/that it works/that its economic model is solid. There are a lot of assumptions that btc gave us that these newer projects haven't proven themselves
replied 2342d
Honestly, POW coins have BARELY proven themselves and they've been out 10 years. I don't think non-POW coins deserve the same level of trust yet.
replied 2342d
Are you on fivebucks.com?
replied 2342d
DCG to be worthy of based on past performance. Currently every expense is line-itemed in the budget. If there is no vote surplus i.e. full 10% is never created.
replied 2342d
MNs facilitate coin mixing, instant txs and governance functions and incur running costs. As such, they are given part of the reward for their efforts. How ever much the MNOs deem
replied 2342d
This is what happens when you control the money and can pay to censor. You get the power of narrative creation. From there anything can be justified. It really is insidious.
replied 2342d
I don't think you can make that assumption. Its much easier to buy 1 Dash to vote than it is to buy 1k. If you're a bad actor, 1K is an easier investment to make, 1k means your serious
replied 2342d
This is a protocol measure however and will be lowered soon. Dash's rapid price increase wasn't factored into fee calc.
replied 2342d
That's using the avg. You have to use the median because privateSend txs skew the avg. They're about 1-5% of daily txs, and currently have a much higher fee of .01 Dash.
replied 2342d
The purpose of the MN and treasury is not for 'poor people', it is to direct the funding to projects that help Dash adoption. THAT is where helping the poor comes in like in Ven, haiti
replied 2342d
Well, 10% of the block reward is voted on by the MNOs. That's transalated to about $1 mil per month for at least the last year into the Dash economy. Not many coins can say that...
replied 2342d
There's enough food, water shelter and YES MONEY to go around for everyone. BTC and cryptos prove this and THAT'S why they hate them.
replied 2342d
increasing some corporate corner on the market. This is a hugely centralizing force, which means money flows to the top and away from everyone else, hence poverty. There's enough
replied 2342d
He said capitalism, i.e. the cen. of money in the hands of capitalists imposes scarcity, not money. He is correct. Think about it. What is capitalism about? Working for a boss,
replied 2342d
If we did that then it would be cheaper since most ppl don't have 1k Dash, but anywhere from .1 to 100. We'd get all kinds of spam. The limit makes it more exp.
replied 2342d
Up until late Aug BCH was on avg 3-7x more exp. fee wise than Dash. So its good you guys were able to get those fees lower.
replied 2342d
Actually, if you look, Dash's fees have been many times lower than bch's all year, 14x (!!) lower Jun 21 its only since Sept that BCH lowered its fees to Dash's level. Congrats!
replied 2342d
En Fri Mand
replied 2342d
En Fri Mand
Yup, looks like they're being shut down on exchanges. Their devs are hiding it apparently