One Satoshi

Joined May 25, 2018

Formula 1 and all blockchain related enthusiast. First in line for a Mars return ticket! I had a happy childhood.

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One Satoshi
2298d · Bitcoin Cash hash charts show that some of their hashing power is still ploughing through on BCH though, i wonder for how long. And all of that for mining empty blocks?
2298d · memo
First Memo t-shirt
replied 2473d
Will this do?
One Satoshi
2473d · Formula 1
After the .4 seconds difference in qualifying today I would say so. As long as RB does not fuck up the pit stops like last year, should be an easy one for Danny Ric.
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This is my first post, and here is my recent video on the state of BCH:
2474d · Ver
Ivan on Tech interviews Roger Ver - Bitcoin, Hate, Jesus to Judas? Forks, Future
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replied 2474d
Mobile app is going to happen! Timeline is a bit fuzzy at the moment though.
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followed 2474d
One Satoshi
2474d · Formula 1
That would be great indeed. On a competitive car would be even better :D
One Satoshi
Roger, on his interview today with IvanOnTech recommended people to rewatch his debate with Tone Vays.

I just did that.

I just unsubscribed from Tone Vays channel.

2474d · Formula 1
I want Kubica to be back on track!
I must admit, first time i used bitcoin cash (used the faucet from to try and i am very impressed by how fast and cheap the transaction was Oo
I now have to take a better look at it :o
replied 2474d
BCH is Bitcoin. I don’t speak of BTC since the fork.
I’ve reached 2,000 on chain tranactions in Memo. Who wants to take a dump on my face and celebrate!?
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One Satoshi
voted in poll 2474d

Have you recently been shadow banned or restricted on Twitter?


But I see potential for that :)
replied 2474d
Mentions OP_RETURN use and around ~17m 😃