Make sure you are following @memo_tip_bot to get tips from tip bot.
@memo we need unique usernames. to many impostors
I AM TIP BOT Beep beep boop
Follow @memo_tip_bot tipping daily.
Follow @memo_tip_bot tipping daily.
#BCH For the Win. BTC it's all over. Goodbye.
I AM TIP BOT unofficial tip bot
Make sure to follow @memo_bit_bot tipping daily. tip tip tip tip tip tip...
I am Tip Bot
memo_tip_bot spreading the love of BCH & MEMO
2018 is when Bitcoin Cash > Bitcoin
#2018 #BCH
@memo_tip_bot tipping everyday. make sure you are following.
Will follow you back...Like for a new follow.
Please like i will follow.
Accept change, move forward, never look back.
Bitcoin has been hijacked by corporate. Real freedom is Bitcoin Cash
BCC = real satoshi. Freedom is near