
Joined Apr 15, 2018

Please investigate a resource based economy! #RBE @LightRider /u/lightrider44

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1841d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
Julian Assange Arrested: Freedom of Press, Bitcoin and Wikileaks

Today is a dark day for freedom of the press.
1846d · Ed
DO YOU GET IT? ALL WARS ARE RICH MAN WARS... CAPITALISTS and MONARCHS attacking the working people so that they can keep expanding their Capitalist empire.
1867d · memo
Sorry about the wallet issue earlier. We are improving the security of the Memo. The web wallet will soon be safe even from an XSS attack!
1868d · memo
1868d · memo
We improved some of the backend networking that should speed up page loads a little bit.
1868d · memo
Sad to see people leave Memo because we don't drop support of whichever coin they don't like :(
1869d · memo
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