Free Ross Ulbricht

Joined Jun 26, 2019

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replied 2047d
LightRider you don't even believe in money or private property. You want to ban property rights and institute total state control. You are an enemy of cryptocurrency and freedom.
replied 2047d
You tricked them. They didn't know any better. It's the same tactic Carlos Maza uses to deplatform people.
replied 2048d
2048d · US Politics/Trump
OMG you're right! we need to do something about all the fascists running through the streets attacking people with crowbars!
replied 2048d
100,000 illegals pouring into the country from the southern border each month IS open borders.
replied 2048d
more insults, zero substance...
replied 2048d
Government can turn a high IQ society into hell. For example: USSR.
replied 2048d
1.8% of ballots can still swing an election if they are cast in the correct states.
replied 2048d
Tens of millions of illegals have drivers licenses and can vote without a provisional ballot using them. Also, just walk into the polling center and fill out a form. They'll accept it.
replied 2048d
Also, illegal immigrant voting will be fully legal soon enough:
replied 2048d
Because they worked for their money, instead of receiving tax money that is extorted by force from hard working citizens!
replied 2048d
replied 2048d
Caps are used to emphasize my points, not rageful.

Majority of immigrants go on welfare:
replied 2048d
Only 50% did! And many voluntarily chose ind. servitude! Modern third world immigrants just get free stuff!
replied 2048d
You must acknowledge the facts - low IQ immigrants vote OVERWHELMINGLY for bigger government. Also, the MAJORITY of legal AND illegal immigrants go on welfare. We are importing statism
replied 2048d
& you continue name calling. "nazi standard", "superior to your race", & "so angry". if any one here is mad it's you.🙅‍♀️😷
replied 2048d
My ancestors didn't come to America for the welfare!
replied 2048d
well there isnt any argument in this thread bc it started with name calling. but an example:
replied 2048d
it only takes 1 guy with a bomb to destroy a tower built by thousands. And our country is not ruined yet, just some areas. Ex: Salinas, CA has high hispanic population and high murder.
replied 2048d
You're completely wrong.... some people are simply smarter than others. It's called cognitive inequality. It's sad but true.

Here are some good interviews with experts:
replied 2048d
oh thought you were saying I bring up immigration at every turn. meh. still, 'laughing' at others & calling them triggered & calling names just means you have no argument.🤷‍♀️
replied 2048d
Many of them wouldn't be natives if we didn't have open border policies. Because they wouldn't be here in the first place! Welfare is a sticky trap for low IQ migrants.