Free Ross Ulbricht

Joined Jun 26, 2019

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replied 1785d
"Writing a description for this thing for general audiences is bloody hard." - Satoshi

He used British slang too.
replied 1785d

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replied 1785d
In before the mass adoption of BCH.
replied 1785d
True, just look at the stats here, it's pretty undeniable:

replied 1786d
Her child wants a father, and I'm the hero trying to get her one. I'm glad it's immutable so her grown up child can see that I was their advocate.
replied 1786d
I promise not to watch your Camgirl movies.
replied 1786d
I am wanted by her fatherless child.
replied 1786d
I have nothing but sympathy... child abuse is horrible. Your child is more vulnerable than most children without a father (non-biological man in the house is much more likely to abuse)
replied 1786d
My positive influence is foreign to you because all of the male influence you had growing up was negative. You can choose a better man than your father! (Most porn stars were raped)
replied 1786d
I feel bad for whatever your father inflicted upon you to make you become a camgirl. Maybe you are subconsciously trying to prevent the same from happening to your child? Seek therapy.
replied 1786d
Your fatherless child is going to need some serious help if they aren't raised in a two parent household.
replied 1786d
There's IQ (intelligence) and wisdom (beliefs). I simply reject governments importing millions of people from foreign lands into my country who are hostile to my culture and values.
replied 1786d
It's 80% set by early adulthood. I agree there is some wiggle room but it tapers with age.
Brain Training Games Don't Work:
replied 1786d
I hope you're right... at least this place is uncensorable with no blocking...
replied 1786d
You can learn languages, but you can't increase brain processing power. Its like downloading data vs getting a new CPU.