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saved 1153d
The unemployed coal worker doesn’t want to be retrained to build solar panels for a company thousands of miles away owned by liberal VC's. He wants to create value the way his grandparents did, by digging up the local resource right under his feet.
saved 1153d
By disconnecting science from the broader, systemwide realities of nature, human experience, and emotion, we rob it of its moral power. https://link.medium.com/4qVXELAd3fb
saved 1173d
These transactions are not anonymous. We see you.
-Damon Rowe, IRS Fraud Enforcement Office
saved 1174d
The earth doesn’t have to reject us as if we were an invading pathogen. Our consumption of resources need not deplete anything. In fact, we humans are capable of leaving a place more fertile than we found it.
saved 1175d
Yah. It is me. I had to send money from the interview I did with @2956 Isaac Morehouse to be able to post stuff. Did you start this thing, Kurt? I have to figure out what it's for.