
Joined Jun 10, 2018

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2292d · Capitalism
Yeah, I want to hear exactly how the most perfect form of money ever invented is going to smash capitalism
2292d · Capitalism
Seriously. Still no coherent argument of how a limited money supply stops people from exchanging their labor for other forms of capital.
2292d · Capitalism
Make it 42 BCH if we get fully automated space communism with warp drives and sheeit.
replied 2297d
Sue them, buy crypto
2293d · Humans Of Bitcoin
Got into bitcoin several years after the 2008 crisis, after starting a business and finally learning the truth about how the global money supply is managed and manipulated.
2293d · Best of /r/btc
Posted by 1Hyena: [Title] <<Blockstream Token (Bitcoin Core) degenerates over time because it denies help from the community. Gregory Maxwell said "When you start cutting me a paycheck you/1
2293d · Capitalism
Show me a single instance of a COUNTRYWIDE famine of similar scale not associated with communism and economic planning. Just one. I'll be waiting.
2293d · QAnon
This is what I like about MEMO. Trolls have to pay for trolling. By doing so they're supporting a cryptocurrency their bosses hate. Come on trolls, prove me I am wrong.
replied 2294d
I've added a way for users to tag accounts as "verified" on memo++. Link in bio.
2294d · Capitalism
"Complaining about capitalism is actually doing more harm than participating in capitalism!" Yes, actually. Or you could actually go off and start your communist utopia and prove us all wrong.
replied 2294d
This offer is still up for grabs until I run out of money basically.
2295d · Donald Trump
Of course not, it's Pee Wee Herman on life support. Check the avatar, man.
replied 2296d
There shouldn't be a state. That's the problem
2297d · What was the last great film you watched?
Breathe - that was the last great one. It's an amazing movie.
2297d · Capitalism
"Everyone is entitled to a certain material standard of living regardless of the actual value of their contribution" lol, nope
2298d · QAnon
Classic pied piper. "Yes, focus on this political fantasy instead of working on liberating yourself and your family at the individual level." Pretty sad, really.
replied 2299d
aww your heart is just too big! (¬_¬ ) "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." H. L. Mencken
2300d · Capitalism
We don't have to make sweeping arguments using rhetorical polemic to fit our emotinal worldview because we don't make judgements as long as the golden rule of property is followed. Super simple.
Thanks for this great news Trump and Kim!
Today is a great day!
2300d · Wikileaks Feed - BCH
Can anyone contact Julian Assange and let him know this is a censorship resistant platform?
2300d · Capitalism
Notice how all the communists in this topic can only attack "capitalists" and "capitalism" in only the most emotional and hateful terms. They never have an objective argument. All rhetoric.
replied 2300d
No one has the right to spend other people's money. Taxation is theft