
Joined Jun 10, 2018

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2350d · US Politics/Trump
And this community is way smarter than you think. Nobody is buying your ruse; you are clearly a bad actor if not a total shill.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
You haven't provided anything that isn't impersonal and oozing with cheap shill tactics. You are dime a dozen.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
No, because that isn't happening. Trump is kicking ass, and you should be ashamed for being an obvious BS-peddler with no tact or flair.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
Argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children
2350d · US Politics/Trump
2350d · US Politics/Trump
Unemployment is at an all-time low. The economy is soaring. His popularity is higher than it's ever been. Trump is kicking ass, and from no help from pedophrasts like you.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
Bill Clinton *actually* has raped people, including children. Noone cares about Trump fucking pornstars.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
Let's see some fucking proof, shill.
2350d · LightRider is a shill working for ShareBlue.
Spread the word.
2350d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
Unemployment is at an all-time low.
Bitcoin Cash and Donald Trump are one in the same--- misunderstood, effective, and censored.
2350d · US Politics/Trump
2352d · Shills
What can be said objectively about online astroturfing and shilling? Is there any real research or numbers?
2352d · Twitter
I was recently shadow-banned from Twitter after posting "Assange is a hero" on an obvious shill post calling him a rapist. Fuck you, Twitter.
2355d · Pedowood
Lots of threads on 4ch/8ch being supressed, names being named. I highly recommend the documentary "An Open Secret"
2355d · Pedowood
Has anyone else been keeping up with all this stuff?
2356d · Capitalism
2356d · Capitalism
Communism has no relevance to technology or innovation or global problems being solved.
2356d · Capitalism
Sounds like an incentive to me.
2356d · Capitalism
" Poisoning the rivers, the plastic patch of garbage in the middle of the ocean are detriments to society. I guess the question is would you rather have that damage or the good it brings."
2358d · Capitalism
Like, none of the socialists seem to even understand what constitutes the financial makeup of a company, especially large multi-nationals.
2358d · Capitalism
That is precisely how billionaires tend to operate as well. I doubt Bezos could even take out 1b in cash right now.
2358d · Capitalism
There's a joke between traders that they are so cash-poor all the time because their money is positioned.
2361d · US Politics/Trump
Fantastic piece on Trump and his critics, I urge everyone here to check it out and let me know what you think. Especially the NeverTrump'ers