
Joined Jun 10, 2018

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2408d · Capitalism
Give me a fucking break. That is the most delusional thing I've heard you say yet.
2408d · Capitalism
Sometimes I get the feeling that the Left is just this massive global scheme enacted so that lazy people would never have to do work ever, and better yet, they would be rewarded for it.
Does anyone else have the feeling these days that some seriously crazy shit is about to go down- in the geopolitical sense?
2409d · Capitalism
The miners do. We spectate. That's it.
Thoughts on this? Just started seeing all this on Twitter.
2409d · Capitalism
(and can tell me why they don't agree with it)
2409d · Capitalism
Also, 10k sats to anyone that has owned their own business and is against capitalism.
2409d · Capitalism
All the keywords and focal ideas correlate to hard-core capitalism, not whatever BS croney shit you guys are talking about.
2409d · Capitalism
Doesn't anyone listen to Dr. Wright? BCH, and mining by proxy, is about competition. Skin in the game. Incentives.
2409d · Capitalism
How does capitalism attack BCH?
2410d · Direct/Private Messages
Someone should implement Keybase on Memo. My two favorite projects :D
2410d · Capitalism
LightRider, have you ever owned your own business? You still haven't answered my question. What empowers you to speak on economic and political matters if you have no stake in either?
2410d · Donald Trump
I haven't been hooked on a site like this since first discovering Reddit and Twitter. As someone that has been fairly active for a little over a week now... This is a big deal. Game-changer, for sure.
2410d · Best of /r/btc
Great thread, btw! I love laughing at the echo chamber. I'll have to add some of my own links later, so many to go through...
2410d · Best of /r/btc
>not Segwit Lightning Presents: Zap! Tokens
2410d · Best of /r/btc
>blockstream token
I wonder if any Core supporters have even considered how they would feel if the Flippening did happen. Imagine roles reversed--- if BCH was the Lightning Network and BTC was good ol' Bitcoin. Noone would use BCH.
I am forking Memo.cash to create Memo.cash Cash. My site will be exclusively for Venezuelans to give sob stories and beg for tips.
2411d · Donald Trump
2412d · Capitalism
Nothing has sunk in for LightRider. So many intelligent points raised, and he's not wavered from outrage and conjecture yet.
2412d · Capitalism
Blame the craftsman, not the tools.
2412d · House music
2412d · What was the last great film you watched?
I couldn't tell you what happens before that, but that last chunk is just... It terrified and excited me in a way I seldom feel.