
Joined May 15, 2018

I make phat beats


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2420d · The Music Makers
"we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams" - Arthur O'Shaughnessy
In the words of the lord, "both nuts weigh two pounds all on your bitch like futons."
unfollowed 2410d
2420d · The Music Makers
Kind of a shot in the dark here but if any singers wanna collab on this track hmu. https://clyp.it/rx5il2vp
We want the funk!
We want the funk!
2432d · Hip hop
I made a beat tape lmk whatcha think
followed 2433d
lack of stripper poles is a dealbreaker
2441d · Hip hop
Saw osom vid first time yesterday. It's some top quality shit
Morning gang!
My friend said she messed this one up. I said let me have it :D
2459d · Mathematics
@whodat that graph looks far better than majority of the modern art paintings...
followed topic Mathematics 2459d
followed 2459d
2459d · Mathematics
Thanks lurien. I've learned to appreciate the aesthetics of vector fields in my studies. I think they're under explored. It didn't take me long to find a nice one after coding a visualizer
2459d · Mathematics
Did somebody say math is beautiful?
2459d · Memo Suggestions
Put new posts from followed topics in the feed!
replied 2459d
One can only hope. I'm much more optimistic than i was a year ago, however. Things are looking good
2459d · Mathematics
Fractals don't exist in our dimension, they're better defined as existing between dimensions. A fractional dimension if you will
2459d · Mathematics
Fractals dont exist in our dimension. They're better definedas
2459d · Mathematics
For everyone who thinks there is no beauty in math:
2459d · Mathematics
I haven't come into contact with this particular math field but by the looks and a bit of reading of it I can agree that you could definitely use it to make some eye candy
2459d · Mathematics
Neat, almost looks like a some sort of modern art painting :)
It seems like another important North Korea related event has occurred, and this time with the Trump man himself. Could the worldwide tension finally be relieved?