2) Because if it's such a superior system then surely this factory would have no problem outperforming any capitalistic factory on the free market right?
1) I have never understood why a group of comrades wouldn't just start an idealistic communistic factory where all the value created is shared among all equally.
Will someone please explain to me why socialist are exited about Bitcoin? It's austrian economics, made from a person/group following Crypto-anarchism, ending government monopoly on money etc??
Will I be able to tip myself 1m sats? IDK let's find out ;D
You can probably guess how it went...
It makes no sense I tip "1000000", I get an error warning. I tip "1,000" it tips 1k. I tip "1,000,000", it doesn't tip anything but does create the vote with 0 sats?
MATCH #7/64
Saturday, 16 Jun, 16:00 UTC
1) Place your bets as tips when you vote
2) Max 1,000,000 sats per bet
Hvor tit møder I venner/familie/bekendte som går op i eller har erfaring i crypto? Personligt er alle jeg kender enten skeptiske, uinteresseret eller direkte imod det:(
Anyway I don't expect to win and I will not be disappointed when I do not win because you've already giving more so much to the community (>1BCH) and me (>1m sats). Thank you!