
Joined Apr 19, 2018

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2145d · Bitcoin Cash
September* sry
2145d · Bitcoin Cash
Where can I see what will be included in the November hardfork?
2146d · Bitcoin Cash
What is in priority right now?
2146d · Bitcoin Cash
Could be a good way to show why a hf is superior compared to a sf. So, while BTC will struggle to implement it, BCH will simply implement it?
2146d · Bitcoin Cash
Will BCH be looking to implement Schnorr signature like BTC?
replied 2147d
Yes it is. So, personally I wouldn't call it a score but if it were like a game it would be very easy to excel at...
2147d · Your Memo Score
replied 2160d
Sk8eM dUb
Why would anybody be skeptical towards the stresstest?
replied 2160d
Capitalists are censoring?? Come on now.... You sure are right! Let's learn from those censorship-resisting communistic countries of North-korea, USSR, China etc...
2160d · Capitalism
2) Because if it's such a superior system then surely this factory would have no problem outperforming any capitalistic factory on the free market right?
2160d · Capitalism
1) I have never understood why a group of comrades wouldn't just start an idealistic communistic factory where all the value created is shared among all equally.
replied 2161d
Nothing, I have gotten it explained now:)
replied 2161d
Yes, you have to export your private key to Electron-cash or something like that.
replied 2164d
Could you please explain how?
replied 2164d
I don't understand that because after the update I have received a few tips but they are still multiple UTXO and haven't been consolidated?
replied 2164d
Nice, I'll try it one day then :)
replied 2164d
Yeah what I also thought
replied 2164d
Yes, but when @memo state that they've introduced "dust consolidating" in their latest update what do they mean?
replied 2164d
Could you also explain what @Memo means when they include "Dust consolidation for all actions" in the latest update?
replied 2164d
In the knock-out games you decide by the full time right?
replied 2164d
Yes that also what I have learned. But another advantage of consolidating them is that you'll generally save satoshis when making future transactions.
replied 2164d
Why not just eat shit and accumulate BCH while you wait for the price to rise? I really respect your courage though!
replied 2164d
A bank will probably not look like themselves in the future. The future crypto banks probably looks like Coinbase who make crypto easy and non technical for the common citizens.
replied 2164d
How was your experience? Personally thinking of using it sometime, would you recommend?
2164d · memo
Could someone please explain dust consolidation?