
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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replied 2294d
Should have done that in the first place instead of killing the crypto markets.
replied 2302d
One small exchange with little volume is not the market. You are a dumbass.
replied 2302d
Markets are supporting ABC, are you blind? Also the miners supporting SV are mining at a loss right now. The miners that support ABC are smarter and don't waste money before the fork.
replied 2368d
so you're cool with the State stealing children from their parents? ok.
2369d · Favorite Quotes
Since the LN is mostly useful for micropayments I have yet to understand why I need some sort of rocket science to protect the $5 in my tip jar.
voted The trolls are mostly anti-Bitmain, pro-CSW/nchain 2376d
created poll 2382d
Are the troll brigades on r/btc attacking CSW or ABC?
The trolls are mostly anti-CSW, pro-ABC/Bitmain 10 votes (9 unique) · 0 satoshis
The trolls are mostly anti-Bitmain, pro-CSW/nchain 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis


voted Bitcoin Unlimited 2376d
created poll 2381d
Did you pick a side on the BCH fork debate?
nChain BitcoinSV 11 votes · 1,000 satoshis
ABC 3 votes · 0 satoshis
Bitcoin Unlimited 12 votes · 546 satoshis
Cobra 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Not sure 1 votes · 0 satoshis


voted Bitcoin Unlimited 2376d
created poll 2378d
Which client do you trust most?
*Assume public knowledge for SV
Bitcoin ABC 6 votes · 6,666 satoshis
Bitcoin Unlimited 49 votes · 19,129 satoshis
Bitcoin SV 55 votes · 27,915 satoshis
Bitcoin XT 3 votes · 0 satoshis
bcash 0 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 2379d
this idea was floated years ago. one could even pay the meter with their phone without having to leave the restaurant.
set profile pic 2380d
followed 2380d
2407d · Fire Amaury Sechet
if the miners want to run his code, they will. if they don't, they won't. but the dude did us all a solid by coding ABC and helping facilitate BCH fork, have a little respect.
followed topic Where to spend Bitcoin Cash? 2407d
2407d · Where to spend Bitcoin Cash?
you can tip the dj's at http://spaz.radio
replied 2414d
he said whatever he needed to say to undermine the nazi's main rivals on the left by co-opting their platform and getting support of the working class. they were suckered. you too?
replied 2481d
ok, i was really high when i posted that..i didn't format the image link correctly and the url is also wrong. it's fucking hopeless. but if you don't tip the dj's they will die.


Portland's Most Unwanted live now! tip the DJ's with BitcoinCash
2486d · #FreeRoss
Ross Ulbricht is a political prisoner of a dying regime.
S.P.A.Z. Radio < nonstop global underground> http://spaz.radio tip with BCH
Hugs 4 Ross Ulbricht, wherever he might be, also 4 Lyn, his mother.
replied 2495d
agree, don't ever click on http://spaz.radio
24/7 Global Underground Soundz >> http://spaz.radio >> tip with BCH!!
BTCers fundraise for frivolous lawsuit. BCH fundraises to feed Venezuelans.
Ryan X. Charles
The money button of the internet. Coming soon. http://moneybutton.com/
followed 2498d