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saved 911d
Once the 10 bitcoin are moved from Lost Wallet #1, the receiving wallet will be linked as the royalty payout for the next Lost Wallet's NFT revenue. Not only will the winner receive the 10 BSV, they also receive the royalties from the next collection.
saved 912d
How will you receive your clue secrets?

When you send your Clues NFT to the burner wallet, the secret will be sent to the Baemail of the sender.
saved 912d
There are many types of Clues, including riddles.

Each Clues NFT will hold the secret to at least 2 seed words. Even less will hold the secret to their order.
saved 912d
The first treasure hunt will be for a 10 BSV wallet. The clues will be airdropped to token holders once at least 35 CLUE have sold.

saved 912d
Thank you for the feedback! The price of the Clues to the first wallet have been dropped to 0.3 BSV.

After 35 CLUE have been sold, the NFT's will be airdropped randomly to holders and the remaining 15 listed at 0.4 BSV.
saved 912d
1 CLUE for every wallet will be a Satoshi Key. This will contain the entire seed phrase for the wallet. However, a burnt email account that nobody has access too will be schedules to deliver the keys to the holder at a date set in the future.
saved 912d
On average, it will take 6 Wallet CLUE (3BSV) to Solve the Wallet (10BSV) $CLUE
saved 912d
The first treasure hunt will be for a 10 BSV wallet. The clues will be airdropped to token holders once at least 25 CLUE have sold.

Details to come.
