If memo enables longer meets (plural of memo?), then matter.cash is irrelevant?
Or do I have that backwards? Is matter.cash less censorable than memo?
yeah I think so. (or the other way around memo is irrelevant if you can post short things on matter). They could also merge & read both from the blockchain.
But I honestly wish Memo's forums were a little bit more extensive, maybe you can create longer posts if you merge the characters from multiple transactions
Maybe someone needs to advertise the existence of Memo, it's gonna cost something but there are probably people that would appreciate such a platform and be worth it in the long run.
We need to migrate over to memo and yours from r\btc and make the trolls/ABC shills put their money where their mouth is - pay for your rudeness and madness on the BCH blockchain and at least contribute SOMETHING
Yours.org isn't accepting anymore people and hasn't been for quite some time.
Stressing is pointless. Already identified propagation issues, but the devs have been too busy dealing with this silly ABC/SV nonsense. Should have spent the last 3 months on that.
Exactly. And ABC/BU and others have a good roadmap to deal with propagation issues. On the other hand, what's SV roadmap?
Mempool growing in ABC and SV. Someone really likes to stress the network: https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#2,24h
Stressing is pointless. Already identified propagation issues, but the devs have been too busy dealing with this silly ABC/SV nonsense. Should have spent the last 3 months on that.
I stand on neither side as I'm disgusted by both tactics. I stand for only the original Bitcoin Cash which is the original Bitcoin. Fuck the drama and shame on this community, fucking shame :(
So many fucking shills. Within 10 days the BCH has become beyond toxic and I hate that word. Why cant why let technology speak for itself instead of cunts like CSW et al. #SayNoToPersonalities
Many are upset that he could do that kind of thing on a whim. Herhttps://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9ynucn/very_respectable_apology_from_ryan_charles_and/?utm_source=reddit-android
I'm having serious trouble about which chain to chose here. On one hand I prefer ABC for many reasons. On the other hand I could avoid having to see Lightrider's bs. Really tempted to go SV.
I was about to make a post making a case against the exclusive use of Imgur for @memo, but I'm tired of all the hoops I have to go through to present an image here. I hate imgur. Why not tumblr? Fb? ANYthing else?
I cant believe anyone fell for the populist slogans and nonsense that CSW spewed. I mostly saw the nChain proposal as the weaker scaling solution, which is why I liked the ABC update better.
The result of the fork has been that I'm more interested in playing old school RuneScape on mobile than keeping upto date with what's going on in crypto land.great work BCH :-(