Gokul NK

Joined Jul 03, 2018

Inquisitive, Student, Teacher and a wanna be Story teller. I write more frequently on www.steemit.com/@gokulnk

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Gokul NK
replied 2440d
Gokul NK
as that(longest chain with most proof of work ) is the standard used in deciding a legitimate chain in when there is a 51% attack. All others are only secondary features/side effects.
Gokul NK
replied 2440d
How did you come out with the weightage? I think longest chain with most proof of work should have a way higher weightage
followed 2440d
Gokul NK
2440d · Memo Suggestions
Unable to upload profile pic https://imgur.com/a/HJSK84K
set profile 2440d
Inquisitive, Student, Teacher and a wanna be Story teller. I write more frequently on www.steemit.com/@gokulnk
set name to Gokul NK 2440d
Gokul NK
2440d · Memo Suggestions
On user registration add links to Profiles and Topics when showing the success message.
Gokul NK
2440d · Memo Suggestions
Profiles should have most followed and most posts like it is on topics.
Gokul NK
2440d · Memo Suggestions
Please add a QR code on https://memo.cash/need-funds
followed topic Memo Suggestions 2440d
followed topic memo 2440d
followed topic Capitalism 2440d