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saved 971d
saved 971d
The coming massive crash of dog coins will deplatform the left.
saved 971d
saved 971d
saved 971d
Something to keep in mind re: markets, during the trial. The plaintiff will present their case first. So expect every accusation they make to be treated as confirmed fact by the Ponzi Press and plenty of gloating about how badly Craig is losing.

Noise 🧐
saved 971d
Don't listen to Randy, he's all juiced up on shiba & purple drank.
saved 971d
6 months? 1 month! 😸
saved 971d
saved 971d
This might be Craig's best argument for a win. Ira's illegal appointment of himself as an officer of the LLC.
saved 971d
Not sure about Ira, but definitely Craig has a doctor among his list of witnesses specifically for the purpose of discussing his autism. So it will come out.

The open ATO question is about whether ATO agents' personal comments about CSW can be admitted.
saved 971d
yes, Craig will have Dr testify. And in fact this morning on Court Listener his team filed a request with the Court saying they want to break up Craig's testimony into several parts. Because his autism could be a problem if he is agitated for too long 😬
saved 971d

There's merit to what you say. And I'm not sure if BSV can overcome the dis-info, either. - Hopefully Craig will have some red meat to offer in court. Otherwise it could be a very long road for BSV to gain traction.
saved 971d
I've never heard a BSVer advocating that the government ban their competitors. Where is this coming from?

I've heard people warn that government will likely take action against scams at some point, but nothing like what you're implying.
saved 971d
The latest court order said some of the ATO info was allowed, but the decision about whether or not (bad) character accusations against Craig (from the ATO) would be allowed was deferred until trial.

I still don't see how that delays the trial, though.
saved 971d
oops, I'm wrong. -- From FindLaw:

"In the federal system, whether the trial is criminal or civil, the jury must reach a unanimous verdict."
saved 971d
not positive, but I don't think that's required in a civil case.
saved 971d
at least until conspiracy theory is once again magically transformed into conspiracy fact. - I would disagree that no one gives a shit. Most are simply uneducated about the arguments.
saved 971d
The 'fired attorney' was just an assistant who it turned out was not Bar certified to present cases in the Federal court system. Since she had no way to get certified in time for trial, the judge determined that she could not assist the defense in court.
saved 971d
Well Craig has made it clear that he's not going to settle with Ira, so his goal seems to be to let the jury bring the case to a conclusion.

Depending on that verdict, some kind of appeal could definitely happen. But I don't see a further delay of trial
saved 971d
Another inaccuracy from this story:

"Federal Judge Beth Bloom has been tasked with determining which party’s story appears closer to the truth and who may owe what to whom."

Its a jury trial.
saved 971d
Would be more accurate if @2567 would identify Ira Kleiman properly as Dave's 'step-brother' rather than his 'brother.' It makes a difference.

saved 971d
Craig didn't fire any lawyers.

Also, either side can offer a settlement at any time but no one is required to accept or even negotiate a settlement.
saved 971d
saved 971d
Total piece of shit. - The reason that Peter can't use truth as a defense in his libel suit is because HE withdrew his claim of truth.

saved 972d
Looks like BSV might be in a sell the rumor/ buy the fact trend.