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saved 124d
Won't be long and we will have some Bacon Bits running around. These are Kunekune pigs. This breed has only been in the USA for about 30 years from New Zealand.
saved 128d
That is a Copper Maran Egg. They get dark almost like a Hersey Bar.
saved 128d
which one ?
saved 128d
Good morning ya'll.
Look at all those colors.. the middle is either blue or black swedish duck egg. Or we have a dinosaur that gets in at night lol
saved 134d
Curiosity purchase. Hubby said it was really good.
saved 136d
saved 137d
I have tried SO many ways to cook fresh eggs. The closed I got was waiting until my eggs are about a month old. These eggs were gathered last night.
saved 137d
saved 140d
Steak & Eggs ❤️
saved 145d
Valentines Breakfast ❤️
saved 147d
ONLY Cute Kunekunes can lip smack lol
saved 150d
I tore the house apart a couple weeks ago looking for a pop bottle opener that has the pointy end so I can pop little triangles into a #10 can. I ended up ordering 2 more. Low and behold, the one I was looking for is where it is supposed to be lol
saved 153d
The view from our farm.
saved 155d
We have a family member that was in the military. Took the mandated shot. Long store short, it jacked with the sleep center of the brain. They medically knocked him out but his brain waves were crazy, indicating no rest. After the relative was medically retired, we started treating him with cannibis (micro-dosing) It took about a month to wean him from his other meds but all he does now is a micro dosing a couple times a day. If you are curious at all, Google Endocannabinoid System. We all have one.
saved 155d
saved 156d
Smoking hits different then edibles. Edibles seem to last longer. I've smoked the same flower that I made FICO/RSO concentrate out of and it hits different. Smoking hits fast, edibles sneak up & get ya lol
saved 156d
Indica Cannibis, you will sleep like a baby
saved 157d
Think I nailed the drip irrigation issue for the fodder. (sprouting Barley for fresh greens for the farm animals) Thank goodness we have a bathroom we don't use much)
saved 158d
Organic Barley Fodder
saved 162d
omg Iol
saved 164d
Into the dehydrator.. Pureed Mango to make fruit leathers (fruit roll ups) & fresh lemons. The grandkids love the fruit leathers (no added sugar or goofy fd&c colors. The lemons are great in hot tea or soups like lemon rice soup.
saved 166d
Ive done cookies. I'm not sure how to post those posts on here @356 got some. I was introduced to twetch from @25 It would be awesome to find other Homesteaders.
saved 166d
This is why we do home canning & preserving.
We had a crazy busy day so it is home canned food to the rescue. We had cooked a family pack of sausage last week & tossed the extras in the freezer, so I grabbed a few out for dinner (and lunch tomorrow) put a little olive oil on the potatoes, shook them up & put them on an air fryer tray, sprinkle with spices & hit start. Warmed the green beans and sourkraut. Grabbed some fresh veggies & we are done. Easy peasey.
saved 166d
Very nice of you. Thank you. Possibly, let me think more on that.
saved 171d
If you drink raw milk, you know how amazing this is!