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saved 1284d
saved 1284d
In a way, this quote has capitalism vibe. We must save, prioritize, wealth ourself first, the natural self-important incentive. Here, we must upgrade, transform ourself first, only then we can help to upgrade, transform others. That's just how things work.
saved 1284d
saved 1285d
Yes, tbh, I was a bit nervous. Although I'm very certain about my logic and basic knowledge, I don't have much practice on this, + it deviated from the usual norm or practice. If it were really die, I will be a laughing stock because I seemed so confident
saved 1285d
If plants is like that, human body must be similar too. With 90% certainty, I suspect most diseases today about nutrition.
Similarly, dr. Heal method, which is Periodic Subscription, is like applying pesticide on plants body. It's not permanent solution.
saved 1285d
That's the reason I always purchased baby plants as young as possible, i want to grow it on best soil from as young as it possible.
saved 1285d
In the pic, it's obvious that the plamt had been eaten to the base, and it grew a new sprout. The new sprout is much stronger since it derived from my well prepared soil (about 1 year). No pesticide, and pests unable to eat it again. It didn't betray me 🙂
saved 1285d
.. to spray pesticide to protect it".
I said, "no, it was being eaten because the seller grew it on bad soil, so it's stem and leaves became weak, let the pests eat it's weak self, if it regrow from my well prepared soil, it's new body will become strong"
saved 1285d
This is blackberry, I purchased the baby plant from random seller. There's something interesting here about nutrition. When I replanted the baby on my bro's backyard (which I prepared), soon pests eat it whole to the base. My bro's said, "maybe we need...
saved 1285d
Could u add something to the wallet so that it could hold tokens too pls? I don't want to use more than 3 wallets since that forces me to remember many seeds.
saved 1285d
Simple but overlooked logic, if one is not different, how could one makes a difference on this world?
saved 1285d
That "monthly subscription" term🤭. English words sure is creative n flexible. Hard to find better suited term than that to describes the doctors incapability to heals patient permanently, imo.
saved 1285d
"A female human bride must not take a bath on the river, because a female bride has a very alluring scent to crocodile tribe ."
Other interesting pact is: crocodile won't eat human, unless the human has parasat (mark of misfortune). Who has parasat?
saved 1285d
He slain a lot of crocodile tribesman, until the crocodile king apologize personally, and mentioned that crocodile tribesman is not at fault at all, since his sister is breaking a pact between ancient crocodile king and ancient human king. One of the pact,
saved 1285d
A folklore: his beautiful sister was abducted by a crocodile when she was taking a bath at the river. When he went into the inner world (crocodile kingdom), he was enraged when he found out that his sister will be the bride of king crocodile.
saved 1287d
That's one of the reasons why we have a saying "Revenge is a dish best served cold".
saved 1287d
Because monkey only scraping surface, the monkey's mind can't even tap or identify the root or the base of the problem. If one fails to identify the base of the problem, how could one overcome the problem?
How could one beats the enemy they can't even see?
saved 1287d
Current moment is a present, that's why it's called present.

Often, a lot of planning that came from monkey's mind, anxiety, can't solve the problem.
But a mind that came from (calm) current moment, could mysteriously find the best solution, accurate.
saved 1291d
Yea, there will be only 100 physical copies. After that, it will be just pdf file right? So after 100, it will be cheaper since it's not included with physical copy and author's autograph?
saved 1291d
Wow.. "internet with bitcoin" is getting real.. "only those that bought the product could leave an unedit-able review". Cool, internet will be cleaner.
saved 1291d
Question, is that 100$ price is for the first 100 book only? Will it get cheaper after the first 100 book sold out?
saved 1291d
saved 1291d
Great, I think Canonic has cool idea too. Self publish, book NFT
saved 1294d
Their logic is: if not all humans being vaccinated, it's still not safe as long as there are unvaccinated around, therefore we must mandate or force vaccination.

If fruits and animals aren't being vaccinated, then what's the point of vaccinating all human
saved 1294d
Do animals and fruits needs to be vaccinated too? I heard that they have been tested positive before.

We can't do things half-assed. Animal population is far greater than humans. If all humans being vaccinated, but animals and fruits aren't, it's not safe