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saved 1294d
And the amusing and quite funny thing is, how people so incentivised that they could EUREKA to create all kinds of creative ways to scam people like: selling plastic shiny rice, plastic counterfeit egg, fruits' maturity sprayer, hand sleight on market, etc
saved 1294d
Most people have their monthly debts. If existing money on society is lower than the total debt of the society, not a shocking thing to see man tried his best to grab each other's money.Homo homini lupu. Part of the reason I think Bitcoin can make a change
saved 1294d
How?? Part of it because of moral decline on generations, but the biggest reason to blame is the current economy's operating system. The money supply in the field is lesser than the debt. Man tries to suck each other's money as coping mechanism to survive
saved 1294d
"Be careful, these days scammers are everywhere"
"Foods these days are chemical only, farmers are so greedy, only cares about fast profit"
"Beware of street foods, the sellers used cheap chemical to preserve the foods"
These warnings became common today,,
saved 1294d
And Pokemon has monotone stories, the ending per episode is always about blasting The Team Rocket to the star. On its own, it's very good and funny, especially the Team Rocket's lines of justification. But if it's to be compared to Digimon, too lacking.
saved 1294d
Truly, I don't understand how could Pokemon and Yugi Oh become far more popular than Digimon. When it was aired on TV, Digimon and Pokemon always aired on the same time, I always choosed to watch Digimon. Stories, music arts, characters are way better.
saved 1294d
The easiness of the governments to convince their people to corona and it's protocol, solution, isn't a shocking thing, considering ppl already put trust, learn by reading texts blindly from the government since...hmm what age is playgroup enrollment?
saved 1294d
Knowledge is power. But what majority of the children got from the current education is just stored memories of far-away informations (not part of daily life), and will forget after graduation. Few are actually got the benefit of education.
saved 1294d
There are many kind of fortune/ wealth. Money is the low grade one. Because, let's say Jack relies on wealth like Friendship, Healthiness, or Love. Somehow he will always have enough money to get by. But if Alex only have money, his life will feel empty.
saved 1294d
The frog is so thin, and swims like a human.
saved 1295d
Frog eats frogs. Cannibalism?
saved 1295d
Albertina Einstein*
saved 1298d
Poor people lured by rice.
All classes (rich, medium, poor) are lured together by mankind's survival story. People that still doesn't agree with covid are just minority, and even their disagreement weren't being noticed because news didn't cover it.
saved 1298d
Unless something big happen that could counter the narrative or status quo, I think people will just go along to the boring and oppressed future.
saved 1298d
Seeing the trajectory, it's make sense that in the few years it will keeps being more ridiculous. Just like lockdown for few weeks narrative. The majority are very vulnerable to "for mankind common wellness" narative that came from official respected ppl,,
saved 1298d
Lol, this has the potential to be a new alternative for buffed dog meme
saved 1298d
In thirld world countries they lure people with some free coffees, rices, sugar, etc
saved 1298d
🙄 Maybe u forgot to learn or use the shapeshift active's skill. When I was a kid, I read a lot of story about ur female senpai can easily turns into hot babe to tricks lost man in the forest to harvest their lifeforce.
saved 1298d
saved 1312d

Bitcoin is the MSG of the internet, the ability of tipping, simple to use, payments, gifts, all gives more flavor to internet experiences.
saved 1312d
Fuck chart, too technical. If ur old friends and families starting to contacts u after years of no contact, that's the indicator that crypto will enter bloody red tsunami. Social indicator,in the end whale just want sell the bag at high prices to new blood
saved 1313d
Im catchin up, my plants currently are big species aloe vera, betel leaves (for teeth cleaner), neem, blackberries. Soon blueberry will arrives. After soil preparation done, i'll add either red pamelo, israel's tin, or pomegranate. Home can host 1 big tree
saved 1313d
Rich or wealth should be measured based on life enjoyment. Extending this, children is a form of wealth too if the parents enjoys being with the children. But some parents also view children as luggage, debt printer (education fees, etc.) 🤔
saved 1313d
That's a free n rare real organic snack u got. On my place, the fruit that grew in the wild is passion fruit. But it becomes very rare now as more land being used. Berries is still a new and strange-imported fruits on my place.
saved 1313d
Mr. X has lambo, but bed-sick, has kidney problem, he's not rich, he's in a very poor condition.
Mr. Y is very rich, Mr. U is rich, both ate lobsters as breakfast, but Mr. Y can't enjoy his meal because his wife so noisy, in this case Mr. U is richer.