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saved 1242d
Nothing can stop bitcoin if Vishnu on blockchain
saved 1242d
Don't bet against Sanjay Right and Vishnu
saved 1242d
In the middle of gravity training right now.

Training to beat Gecko, or at least Moist
saved 1243d
Damn it, playing taco is so hard, might be because of my small screen phone, i quit.
Whoever those top 10 taco leaderboard players are, congrats 🙃🙂 u guys might become budhas in the future because ur mind so stable.
saved 1243d
Ok so i have digital egg, so one day if it hatch i could feed it with digital taco : )
saved 1243d
saved 1243d
[email protected]
Can we trade the Taco NFT for real Taco at local or famous Taco shop? My lost perhaps equal to real Taco's price
saved 1243d
Yes.. not really fun yet.. the true fun will start when there's a battle arena game like old ps1 tekken, street fighters, then we can place bet online. Arena game tested tactic and response, and we are not always matched against the best people there, fun
saved 1243d
Oh wait, maybe the payment is per new high score, not per round
saved 1243d
I am 5, 2nd payment try.. : ).
If it's 5 cents i will aim 20 or 30 maybe, jajaja
saved 1249d
But irl it's far more complicated. That's why people usually would form 2 personalities : religious personality on temple/church, and daily personality.

In game comparison, the religious personality on temple is like dummy practice-tutorial arena.
saved 1249d
Easy to judge which is bad or good from scripts, Jesus story or Journey to the West story. The monk had 3 ugly demons disciple, many villagers hated them. Obvious from the script it's the villagers' fault because script shows explicitly who the protagonist
saved 1249d
Even if it's ridiculous, if the victims being influenced, they will do. That's why we have word influencer.

3 factors: the brightness level of the to be victim, degree of the ridiculousness, level of trickery of the influencers.
saved 1249d
I have to say, english language is quite bold, subtle, or creative to invent words like influencer and thought leaders. In my mother's language, there's no word to exactly translates influencer and thought leaders. Only leader, chief, village's chief, etc.
saved 1249d
At the start, the people might be want to vote to save Jesus. But then they become INFLUENCEd by INFLUENCEr, or followed their thought leaders' thought.

At the start, people might be thinks using mask + face shield makes a funny face, until influenced.
saved 1249d
Many reader thought "how could people at Jesus's time had the heart to vote Jesus to death when he was so kind?"
Well the respected figures, thought leaders on the story said He did blasphemy, break convention tradition.
Just like current time with corona.
saved 1249d
Bible reader might despises Jerusalem people, saying "they don't know how to be grateful"

But actually, we and our body are pretty much like that. Have a lot of things to waste, we subconsciously forgot to be mindful.

Easy to judge things from script.
saved 1249d
Lol, it's just like Jerusalem's people on the bible's story. God slapped (when Jerusalem in rich condition- forgot God) and pitied Jerusalem's people (when they on miserable state), repeatedly.
saved 1249d
The reason? It's exactly because the body is weak, in dire situation, and very few resources, the body parts discussing among themselves "we are poor now, no longer we have things to wastes like before. Let's get to our 100%, serious, performs our best."
saved 1249d
A bit weak and a bit dizzy*. When the symptom kicks in, we start to getting know better about ourself, primal surfacing. It's like on sick condition, when sick, our mind's clarity and will become sharper.That's also why many people apologize when they sick
saved 1249d
True fasting begins when our body feel really hungry and a bit weak, when that symptom kicks in we'll feel our breath become automatically connected naturally, smoother in and out like a cycle, which many modern meditators try to achieve but just can't.
saved 1249d
saved 1249d
Have u tried to distill the water from your well directly and compare it to distill from your filtered water?
saved 1249d
Thank you for sharing river, loved it! Broaden our horizon. I thought it could only stick on the pipe due to years of accumulation, but u said it from every morning 😱. Scary
saved 1249d
Haha good idea, I always saw that sticky thing on the pipes.