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saved 1249d
What brand or volume capacity did u use? Is it easy to maintenance it? I saw that sticky thing usually when changed the pipes.. There was water filter I used in the past but it's maintenance was costly and the water tasted bad, so I stopped.
saved 1249d
saved 1250d
Ouh I thought there's a trick to it 😅
saved 1250d
Hi Kurt, how much did it cost u to post high quality gif like that? Last time I checked if I'm not mistaken it's about 0.5 or 1$. Or is there a special trick to lower the cost ?
saved 1251d
Lol, I still remember back in 2017 it's 70% because of Charlie Lee I realized btc is an art of trickery. As a fellow chinese, I detected the air or vibe of respected scammer from him, very peculiar, and he defended btc.
saved 1253d
Mama monkey calmly searching for her child's head lice.
I thought buying nikkon camera is wasting money before, now I consider buying one. Sometimes there is rare moment we want to capture.
Btw, humans also did that in the past, spend a lot of time on it.
saved 1255d
How is it compared to small mushroom from cow's casting? My friends had eaten it in many ways, raw blend with water raw, cooked it, then after eating it they laughed and saw road like snakes, people's ear become bigger. Is that amanit also has same effect?
saved 1256d
Rural area is more independent than urban area. Fewer people work as employee on rural area than urban area.
Few villagers take vaccine because they are more independent than urban folks. Villagers that take vaccines were being enticed by free meals.
saved 1256d
Not surprising because vaccine culture also came from modernity origin. But there were also some people from rural area that got vaccines. They're the greedy type that lusted for grabing free coffee and rice. Normal villagers doesn't take vaccines.
saved 1256d
So, based on what I see on people around me, most people that already vaccinated are the type that worked as employee (requirement by the boss), silky-pants man, fair skinned people (rarely getting burned), well most basically city people.
saved 1256d
Can it be eaten?
saved 1256d
Corona vaccine sure is a much different thing from previous vaccines. When I ask around people that interacts with a lot of people, almost everyone know people that got varying side effect from severe headche, itchy on the skin, to death.
saved 1256d
I unlocked encrypted chat feature, why I don't get the drop? How many features do I need to unlock to get drop?
saved 1256d
saved 1256d
When an inanimate object gives you more proper advice than crypto twitter's figures.

Hold Duro
saved 1259d
Treasured memory
"When will u get back"

"Emm maybe after 5 days"

"Emmm, isn't that too long? Can u get back, ...like on 8 days, pls?"

"😌Well 8 is even longer than 5"

"Then get back on 6 days, okay?"

"6 also longer than 5"

"Then what's faster than 5"
saved 1259d
Geniuses can be recognised by their ability or aptitude to solving problems, whether their own problems, others' problems, society's problems, humanity's problem, plant's problem, animal's problem, etc.

Complex things to simpler form.
saved 1259d
There's also a minor incompatibility with utube url. When I copied utube url with "copy with current time url" let's say I copied on mins 7.09 and paste it on twetch post, if I play the video on twetch it doesn't start playing on 7.09. Must click the url
saved 1259d
Lol this is brilliant😆
saved 1259d
Officially certified adults wondering
saved 1259d

7 years old kid asking an adult: i want to clean my baby sister's ears and nose with this SHORT cotton buds, is it okay?

Average Joe adult: u stupid kid, ofc it is not okay, it is dangerous. Where's that cotton buds, give it to me!
saved 1262d
How to explain bsv to Dragon Ball's fans that also plays crypto?
Bsv is Son Goku with Yamcha's appearance.

Don't judge book by its cover.
saved 1262d
Video is not available
saved 1262d
Weird, there are womens that already fed up by lovey-dovey words from male suitors, but some of those same womens can't get fed up by public figure lovey-dovey words. 🤔
saved 1262d

Lol, that tone of saying "from dy----ing" 1:05-1:09, that tone is outdated, who the hell still enjoyed or comforted by lovey-dovey words from politician, motivators or public figure that said things like "public mission", or "prevent ppl from dy--ing".