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saved 1263d
Twetch's egg? Don't sale it u egg head!! It might hatch someday into a twetch's pet. Even if it's not hatching, if u sell it then ur wallet collection will be blank. Not cool.
saved 1263d
Chicken's egg or Pokemon's egg?
saved 1263d
It's like an irresponsible deduction kids created within themselves when they tried to explain or reason something they don't know.
saved 1263d
The thinking patterns that blames jews for the major misfortune or catastrophe of the world is wrong. I mean, isn't jewish people also become the victim? Ww2 hitler. And now corona/pandemic, isn't jews are the one facing the strictest lockdown?
saved 1266d
These top tier (very effective) teeth, gum, and tongue cleaner, was a free thing in the past. Now it's a must buy item, like tobacco. Some say "as long as we have money, so what?". Well my point is whether we richer or not, the world is becoming more poor
saved 1266d
How I miss the feeling of being a big bro
saved 1266d
saved 1266d
Minutes 22:37 *
saved 1266d
Recently cards piqued my interests, I was and I am a big fan of Digimon, so I found this card. Then I remember it's a special attack on the old PS game,

Lol who still wants take the unnecessary vaccine shot or demi dart?
saved 1266d
saved 1268d
It should be okay, the egg material seems like metal.
saved 1268d
I have a feeling that if I sell my twetchdrop easter egg when I am not in an emergency situation that needs money, it will be my lost. I am hugging this egg for now, I hope it won't hatch into a bad monkey if I hug it long enough, lol
saved 1269d

Lol the dog got more views than most of the try hard humans youtuber with all the editing skills.
saved 1270d
saved 1271d
Can I change the chosen local currency? So if I choose Thailand at first, then in the future I travel to Singapore, can I withdraw the money on Singaporean ATM if I change the local currency to Singapore dollar?
saved 1271d
I already bought one, where can I see my card, it doesn't show up on my relayx wallet app?
saved 1271d
Great, I'm ordering 2 now. One to exchange for the physical card, and the other one for NFT. I think it will be legendary to own the limited physical card if BSV really gains daily adoption. But what if I lost the physical card? Can it be reissued again?
saved 1272d
Can I top up the relayx card with bsv from handcash, let's says 1 bsv, then withdraw it as my local currency on local ATM machine? And if i top up and let that 1 bsv sits, while on storage, the top up or deposit will be counted as bsv or local currency?
saved 1273d
Cool egg! The egg has similar carving as my necklace, I like it! Thank you Twetch.
saved 1280d
I found lithop (living stone) seeds' dealer. I hope it's real. I think this will be a good business since there is no competitor at my place, very few actually know about lithop. People like to be unique, collect unique things, so lithop has good prospect.
saved 1280d
Lol, it makes sense. Considering Christian was spread by western colonization, and blackberry and hedgerow' plants are common things in the west.
saved 1280d
This comment kinda helps me get a picture or illustration of the church's old song about a lost sheep that got stuck at thorny places at mountain range. In the past, I always thought what kind of place is that, now I know it refers to hedgerows
saved 1280d
So which part of Ireland is that wild hedgerows miracle formed? I will add Ireland to my travel list, if BSV moon I want to get a good view of that wild hedgerows personally if it doesn't require covid passport.
saved 1280d
But if it becomes a wild perimeter fencing, what plants could support blackberry? Won't the support plants suffocated by the blackberry fence? Or a cluster of blackberry could support each other, that's why it forming a hedgerows or fence ?
saved 1280d
Is it because of the thorns? Ohh, seems like a good idea, it could become a firewall for thief prevention, umm thornwall. Umm what is wild hedgerows? I wonder if I need to support it's vines, how it grows in the wild?