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saved 1085d
The downside are regular blackout, few road, if we marry their daughter we can't go home. Funny how could land there so cheap while in big city with bad water & air, bad life quality, overpopulated are thousands time of that in price. It's reversed.
saved 1085d
At neighboor island, 1000m2 fertile soil are sold at 1200-3000 USD. And the female there also the best on country, with oldest culture heritage, rural. I planned to go there, but with this vax card restriction... If there's a will there's a way?
saved 1091d
saved 1091d
I thought only duck could laid golden eggs, but frog too?
saved 1094d
Wow just checked.. i got blue color egg! One of my fav is blue :)
saved 1094d
So twisted if true.. 😨.. hyperactive is basically a normal healthy kid to me. It's true though today parents counted vibrant healthy kicking kids as a sickness.. a blasphemy to a blessing
saved 1095d
... intentionally turns a blind eye to students that skipped class, because on his mind, it's the students' own loss if they missed a lesson, they will become stupid as their punishment

Im secretly worried though about current students are so obedient.
saved 1095d
.. my generation, which was rebelious, egoistic, not serious, went home early by running to gate. All while praising how obedient current students are, doesn't dissapoint parents expectation, etc.

He also let out that in the past sometimes he...
saved 1095d
To find wherebout of a teacher i visited my middle school after 10 years. He stopped there a long time ago. But the security gatekeeper was funny though, he talked for a long time with funny dialect and boasted how easy his job now, while making fun of ...
saved 1107d
Communist always wanted to paint earth red
saved 1109d
saved 1118d
Virtually, nobody on that minority group realize this brewing. Most are positive thinking, naively thought discrimination era already extinct. It's just decreasing, not extinct, but the amount still enough to be used as genocide. I hope it will fail 🙏
saved 1118d
Anyway, the journey to 2030 wont be smooth.. there will be very big change compared to 2000-2019's life, whether in a negative or positive way. The realization of so many ppl convinced with the pretext being presented (discrimination) ... Just feel...
saved 1118d
And the genocide attempt closely related with covid. If the attempts successful, it will take place when policy of covid or vaccine outrage. Some on government try to dissolve the attempt, dissolving the pretext, etc.
saved 1118d
With 100% certainty there is an attempt of genocide of minority brewing/cooking at my place. And i belong to that targeted minority, though im still a minority in that minority group. The pretext presented 1 by 1. It's VERY OBVIOUS to me.
saved 1125d
What if science department writes :

You wondering why u still got covid X variant after vaccination? Here's why : "bla.. bla.. bla.. , so if it infects the unvaxed, then inside unvax's body it will mutates into a new form that could infects vaccinated"
saved 1125d
Good morning. Is there 3d set of gun's NFT, printable, for SALE?
saved 1133d
Neighbor island's lockdown is more severe as time flies even if they listened to 100% of the mandate, n red areas.

While on my island, the lockdown is very minimal, even though few islanders listened to mandate, n orange area.

I hope ppl understand
saved 1141d
2nd comment is very funny.. they got mad because they didn't sick. They happy if they got sick by the vax.
saved 1141d
2. "Im so angry now. Maybe i got the empty vax for my 2nd doses, because i didn't feel anything after i took the vax like nausea, muscle ache, etc. What a dog. Now im eager to register for vax again if possible"

3. "I hope ppl like these go to hell"
saved 1141d
At my country, there are nurses on some places that injected empty vax to ppl. Some got caught, a lot ppl"s commentary are like these:
"Im so thankful im smart n cautious, when i got the vax, i watch carefully the catridge to make sure it has thr vax"
saved 1143d
If we acts or speaks in concordance to their belief, in way far more extreme than they were, they will start to re-think about their belief.
saved 1143d
Hehe, i noticed a funny pattern on human psychology.
When someone had a belief or faith about something, then if we contradicts that belief, even by presenting obvious facts n simple logic, they tend to ignore it. But this is the funny thing : ...
saved 1143d
Should be around 60 kg, male. Im a bit taller, im 170-175
saved 1143d