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saved 1160d
saved 1160d
And that's about when the prayers of exorcism should begin. haha
saved 1162d
Critical thinking... 😉
Thanks for posting this. The truth will make us free.
saved 1163d
Can't say I have. All my life people have been telling me what ails them! haha
saved 1163d
God has a plan for all of us. Our previous experiences shape who we are. They prepare us for the road ahead. Always forward and never back.
saved 1168d
"God is a being than which none greater can be imagined."

- St. Anselm of Canterbury, Father of Scholasticism
saved 1169d
Please forgive the scholastic in me--distinctions are important. God is not just "a" life giving spirit; God is "the" life giving spirit.
saved 1169d
saved 1169d
Careful. Jesus did not "become" anything more or less. He is the Son of God (immutable). As first born of the dead, he is Lord of the living and the dead. Together, the Father and the Son send the Spirit (the promised Advocate) on Pentecost.
saved 1170d
Exercise in critical thinking...Exosome Theory vs Virus Theory
saved 1170d
You sure you haven't already had that talk with Jesus? 😉
saved 1170d
Unless someone is open to other perspectives, I tend to do the same. Funny thing is, people like Andreas Antonopoulos, as much as they promote the lie, say the only way people learn is to lose. There is truth in that statement.
saved 1170d

The original coffin dance! haha (check out 2:50)
saved 1170d
Same. But, do you really think failing? Compared to what? BTC? ETH? Who really cares about those projects? Only the people using them. What about the rest of the world? They have yet to discover what Genuine Bitcoin can do. When they do...the people win.
saved 1170d
haha, you do realize I am a priest! I would not condone being anyone's mistress. You are made in the image of God.
Difficulty in having substantive conversation is a problem affecting us all, tho. It's good to see others who actually like to think.
saved 1170d
The trouble with so-called protestant "reformers" is that they took the world down a rabbit hole of dogmatic errors through personal interpretation of the Scriptures. These errors continue in preachers of prosperity, and salvation by faith alone, etc.
saved 1170d
From a Biblical standpoint, the Church (ekklesia) is the community that Jesus will gather, with Peter as the "rock" foundation (see Mt. 16:18). Peter will later go on to preach there is no other name by which we are saved than Jesus' name (Acts 4:12).
saved 1171d
XRP is literally on the video thumbnail. He doesn't have to say it. He's printed it for all to see. He also has another explanatory video about QFS. Gold-backed digital currency? It's a joke. Only one commodity can replace global financial system - BSV.
saved 1171d
saved 1171d
1 Cor. 1:21-24
If Jesus' death on the cross appears like foolishness, then it is an invitation to dive deeper into the mystery of his dying and rising again. He has overcome death so we all may have life.

What would you ask CSW if you could? 🙂
saved 1171d
Oh, it's Jesus. But, when you listen to Satoshi, he speaks the truths of Christ: Personal sovereignty, human dignity, transparency, integrity, creativity, opportunity. Bitcoin is not just a monetary system; it is a paradigm shift in human potential.
saved 1171d
None of which has come true. This guy is selling snake oil. He's even promoting XRP as the new QFS (see video thumbnail). As a supporter of BSV you should know better. Either that or just trust the plan. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jGPsOG4GN3DA/
saved 1172d
Figures. There is a massive amount of disinformation out there. Stay frosty.
saved 1172d
Use critical thinking and discernment with these characters.

saved 1172d
"And he replied: Go and say to this people:
Listen carefully, but do not understand!
Look intently, but do not perceive!"

Is. 6:9

If only people knew how to listen and see.