I never suggested otherwise. This is the part where you now try to continue justifying theft of funds "because someone will eventually steal it anyway." 🙄
This is much better for the currency as a whole than to let them go to whoever or fall out of circulation forever.
I never suggested otherwise. This is the part where you now try to continue justifying theft of funds "because someone will eventually steal it anyway." 🙄
It's not theft if you allow the owners to come forward and claim them. In fact, the miners are the best people to run such a system. They have the integrity of the currency in mind.
The 160 bit hash is just an extra layer to protect against a potential flaw in secp256k1. When you transact, you reveal the public key anyway (that's why we have change addresses).
Yes, even if the private key is lost. It should be untouched. This is like asking Apple to put a backdoor into iOS “just for the good guys.”
It doesn't matter what 'should' be done. There is money up for grabs, it's nuts to think people will just leave it there. Given that people WILL try to claim it, how should that go?
And I trust mathematics/physics. You are and will be unable to brute the private keys with current tech.
No kidding. I'm not talking about current tech. How long will the 160 bits hold? not forever, and we'll have to upgrade. If someone doesn't upgrade what do you do?
Neither. If there is a compelling reason, everyone will move funds to newer secure addresses. https://allkeys.cash
Even if they're dead? Keys can be mined with computing power, miners run data-centers, it makes sense that miners will claim old keys since anyone can do it.
There are no such uses. This is lunacy, theft, and fraud. The very basis of Bitcoin is holding the private key and an immutable ledger.
The private keys CAN be brute forced, in the future it will be economical to do so in some cases. Who would you rather give an insecure private key to, a miner or a crook?
There is no mining, and no PoW, without a blockchain.
Yes, Bitcoin uses a blockchain but didn't come up with the design the novel invention was the POW mining game. A blockchain without POW mining is only useful in niche cases.
Blockchain was the invention of Satoshi that solved an old computer science problem. It gave you a digital asset that could not be copied and pasted. Blockchain is what makes Bitcoin.
No, POW mining is what makes Bitcoin. This is the difference between BCH and SV. SV believes in POW mining, BCH believes the whitepaper ends at pg 2.
The decision making behind it was pretty simple though. Since there was the threat of attack from dishonest miners, they imeneted some protection. It is an old concept in blockchain.
I want nothing to do with "Blockchain" I want new digital money.
Now, the ABC fans are busy redefining what the checkpoint was. Look for them to attach softer and more pleasant words to it over time, appeal to morals, etc.
We've seen this a few times already early forks were overruled by Core instead of POW, segwit was soft forked in and you have to run it now. You're in denial.
For me the checkpoint change was rushed, but I understand BCH was under threat. Most of the concern comes from BCV supporters: they want a chain more easy to attack.
Sounds nice, but it doesnt. People pretend it is all about the white paper, but it isn't. He just used what seemed like nice slogans to pull in the gullable.