
Joined May 08, 2018

Der Kampf gegen das Niedrige ist vor allem ein Kampf gegen sich selbst!

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@memo #memo the counters on the profile page all work except for the action counter
likes, posts and replies are not counted...
replied 2311d
action counter reply test
replied 2311d
action counter reply test
action counter test
unfollowed 2311d
unfollowed topic txBlaster2_bot 2311d
followed topic txBlaster2_bot 2311d
What do you think about the efforts to shut down gab.com because the Pittsburgh Synagogue attacker used it?
Does this kind of action show how important platforms like memo are?
@_opreturn test test test
400+ services (voiceovers, logos, promos, articles etc) & 750+ freelancers are currently active on Fivebucks. Most have never used BCH & are waiting to receive their 1st order/payout. Make sure to give them a chance!
White men are people too
2312d · crypto as a currency?
We still have a lot of "investor" types who do not understand the technology and buy a little of each coin to hedge their bets and so on, pure speculation, which drives volatility
There will be livestreaming on keyportTV

These guys are woke,
Pay per view
respect to intellectual property
FOR the end user.
I’ve been informed on r/btc that despite name of OP CODES reenabled on BitcoinSV the functions differ from ver 0.1. However, Daniel Connelly Lead Developer clarified overall processing capabilities will be same
http://Oyo.cash update: Memo post now lead to http://memo.cash , bitcoinfile files now lead to http://bitfiler.net . You can also configure where different protocols lead in Settings
replied 2312d
replied 2312d
Here's the GitHub repository https://github.com/unwriter/_opreturn Feel free to fork, the code is super simple and I wrote it exactly because I want people to fork it.
Now you can replicate ANY memo post (topic, poll, replies) to Twitter simply by mentioning @_opreturn in your memo! You'll find the tweets here: https://twitter.com/_opreturn

Powered by bitsocket.org and bitquery.
replied 2312d
yes it can be made but even with bitdb it will need a lot of processing power e.g. assign likes to msg, replys to msg, ranking etc.
the question is how far these client apps can scale.
@_opreturn test test test
replied 2312d
same. Couldn't help but laugh
replied 2312d
Yes, you will likely need separate Memo nodes to handle that processing on behalf of the end user.
followed 2312d
replied 2312d
(2/2)if a user with a memo client app could connect to the BC would be ideal. But we must not forget the computing power needed in the bg, if 100k+ memo users a PC will not be enough.
replied 2312d
(1/2)that's right. but it is a huge advantage if a few people run such nodes, users can connect to them in case of emergency. But I know what you mean, that's not mature yet.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 2312d
Memo *is* the solution to what is happening.