CoinEx will list nchain’s fork as “BSV”
Does anyone know what issues Jihan and Haipo have with nChain wanting to restore "original Satoshi op codes: OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT, OP_INVERT." Restoring OP_GROUP was great.
Stress test day is approaching.
If anyone would prefer to simply donate funds and let the stress test team process transactions for you, simply send BCH here with like/tip or to the QR code of this user.
If anyone would prefer to simply donate funds and let the stress test team process transactions for you, simply send BCH here with like/tip or to the QR code of this user.
A goal of mine is to make a separate Memo account, where the goal would be to write the Bible on the Blockchain. The first book it'd post would be the Book of Revelation. Your thoughts? You can also reply.
Yes, let's permanently write the Bible on the blockchain!
14 votes
(14 unique)
· 210,646 satoshis
Yes, writing a book into the blockchain sounds like a good use of Bitcoin Cash.
@Memo are you guys interested in having a separate arm to function more like Instagram? Memo currently feels more like reddit. It can’t be optimally functioning like both. Let me know if this is possible
Memo's protocol is meant to handle all social networking features. Right now we only have basic image/video support, but in the future we'd like to add more rich media features.