It’s not swinging based in profits which is the point. Value is solely based on what the miners invested their PERSONAL investment stake in.
Disagree. Value is subjective and price discovery is the most important business among all. Many investments don't fit market's demands and companies go bankrupt
ABCs hashpower has reached all time low. I’d be terrified if I were in ABC. Are you going to trust miners that have only been on network for 7 days? Not me.
Miners on BCH now are pretty much the same as miners of last year's August. Hashrate between Bitcoin chains will continue to swing to match profitability
Mercenary hash is dropping steadily to 39%. BTC miners going back to their chain as BTC starves for hash. What will ABC do when BTC miners abandon completely? Not healthy.
No wonder why BCH hashrate is dropping: and BitMEX'es calculations state clear that both attack and defense are costing each side money. I expect new swings
The only ticker i want for BCH is its real ticker...BTC :-)
Disagree. Divergence of tickers provides clarity for everyone involved and makes competition less dirty. I was rooting for BCH ticker since the split in August
Nobody but anarchists care about any of that. This site is a fun toy, but hardly noteworthy.
Other people never need to care. Good infrastructure is invisible. Bitcoin was "a fun toy, but hardly noteworthy" for years, now IMF is forced to talk about crypto. Early days
The only big businesses interested in ABC are unlicensed gambling and moneychangers.
Gambling is the core of Bitcoin's early success. "Unlicensed"? Bitcoin is above jurisdictions. No court can delete this memo. Moving forward OP_RETURN and DSV will enable so much more
ABC chain is currently 70+ blocks ahead of SV, but why SV blocks are way bigger than ABC blocks in size? Most ABC blocks are no more than a few KB, while SV blocks are several MBs.
Blocks on BSV chain are filled with stress-test txs that are generated on the spot. Likely for several reasons, but one of them is competitive edge over independents
There is no such thing as spam. If you pay for your TX, it is legit.
Even if u send it without the fee. Bitcoin tx has only two characteristics: validity within miner's ruleset and economic feasibility determined by miner, sometimes 0-fee txs fit
If it is a miner bloating their own blocks, it's spam.
Concept of spam doesn't apply to blockchains. E-mails are forced upon u - u've to collect everything to start discriminating, which is not the case with Bitcoin or other crypto
Fear of people selling ABC for SV if it overtakes ABC in accumulated PoW(currently ABC is 38% ahead). If you don't know how the system works you probably shouldn't be trading it.
Capitalism has helped create the highest quality of life of all of human history. The fa t that you can even discuss these ideas instead of scrounging for food is proof of that.
There's no better system of building wealth than to leave people to make free choices was build in just few days by a single person with basic JS knowledge. When people wake up to what bitdb is capable of, the BCH ecosystem will explode. is so much better than for search purposes. Thx!
Not paying taxes is theft. Taxes are payment for services rendered. If you choose to live in a place that gets the benefits of taxes you are morally obligated to pay.
If u weren't rich, u didn't get to choosed your citizenship before 2009. Bitcoin is in part a new global nation
I dont think reducing corruption is their main goal. I think a bit of corruption is inevitable, and I accept it.
I mostly want a global constitution that all nations are held to.
Global constitution is fine as long as it's installed like amendments to US Constitution: overwhelming majority in each country. Unlikely to occur, especially when we go crossplanetary
Is it me that determines the value of this language game, or you?
The market. Both of us are in the constant negotiation. Humans are the blankest slate, culture - history of dialogues - accounts for the bigger blank part of us