Besides that. You're just being dishonest. It is NOT just Amaury's pet project, but yea he puts a lot of work into it. That is how it goes. Some talk, some do.
just watch this; it is very clear that what amaury says - goes
avalanche-idea was supposedly floating around since the fork of BTC, i only first heard about it around JUL2018 (similar timelines with CTOR & merklix). when did you find out about it?
Isn't the point of Butcoin to not have to trust the miners? There doesn't seem to be any reason to believe PoS is coming to BCH. It really seems like the source was simple FUD.
making validating authority decentralised makes Bitcoin trustless. the user only has to trust that incentives work on miners.
The first large memo:
How are you reading this article? How did it go from my laptop to your screen?
By the time you read this, I will have posted it on, tweeted the link out, and posted it in other various channels. As of the time of writing, The BCH Boys podcast has 750 Twitter followers. Some of those followers have thousands of followers, and others have less than 100. Every person who may come in contact with this piece is a “node” in a large social network. Looking at it this way, we could deduce that we have 750 links to 750 nodes. But do we? How many of those nodes are logged in at the time that we tweet the piece? How many of those nodes will scroll right past the tweet and not even notice it? How many will retweet it to their followers (more nodes), continuing the broadcast?
If our intention is to spread this article as far and wide as possible, the connections between people are more important than how many followers we have. When we tweet, only...
obviously avalanche is a piece in a puzzle; question is: what is the shape of the bigger picture? PoS imo is a good guess when considering amaury's miner distrust & not mining himself
All development is centrally planned. Also, ABC's roadmap will create a coin so much faster than BSV, then we'll see which coin out competes the other ;)
sure it will be faster, but it will also be proof-of-stake
About Metanet : people will upload stuff on the chain. They'll pay "uploaders" to do so, and uploaders will have to buy hashrate to have blocks, therefore it'll increase the security. Am I right ? Sounds pretty cool
Lifting the character limit too much can potentially make useless.
It would be sad to see this platform turn to shit, but that's what you get when you listen to the retards of Statist Vision.